The online racing simulator
OutGauge...where is it?
(7 posts, started )
OutGauge...where is it?
Hi i'm a student of Electronic Engineering and i want to build an analog cruise for my simulation experience. I built the analog speedometer and the Rpm indicator with servo motors and i can move them with external variables with a code in c++.
My problem is to take variables from Lfs and send them to arduino.
I googled a lot and i found a software (i think it is a software) called OutGauge but i can't download it anywere!
Could some one of you send it to me or could tell me where can i download it?
Thanks a lot!
It is integrated into LFS. Just go the LFS's folder, open the cfg, and then go to the bottom, there you will see the OutGauge settings.

After this step, LFS will always be sending information on that IP & port, so you just have to listen with your C++program and send it to arduino
is there a guide?can i use a generic UDP receiver in c++ to read these informations?
what kind of information i have to receive?
I think i have an array of elements, it is right?

sorry if i do a lot of questions but i want to learn a lot above this.
I tried to study all your documentation but i'm in the same place.
I cant understand how to use guide.
Is there some one who built a dashboard who could help me to write the source code in c++ to receive variables from lfs?
InSim.NET is a C# library so you can't use it with C++. I already linked you the simplest example of OutGauge receiver, that should get you started...
sorry i didn't understand it was C#

OutGauge...where is it?
(7 posts, started )