The online racing simulator
make a car
(5 posts, closed, started )
make a car
sorry if this i posted in wrong topic,, can anyone make a volvo 240 for lfs(XRT) ? i cant find anyone in the internet,, i want it to be something like this ( ... 2,s:0&tx=76&ty=37 ) if anyone can make it i would be very happy soryy for bad english,, norwegian.
#2 - Sobis
Read this very carefuly.
Quote :I shall not post screenshots of so called vob-mods; modifications to the shape of any car in LFS.

Asking to make them is also not allowed.
#3 - Mysho
Your nickname is pretty accurate for this question.
.vob mods are forbidden, and therefor this is not the correct place to go ask for someone to make you one.
I tend to "make" cars for LFS myself:
By changing weight and horsepowers it´s easy to
simulate, let´s say your private car...

.vob is B A D B A D B A D !!!

And I would never do it... nonono!

Don´t touch that needle!

This thread is closed

make a car
(5 posts, closed, started )