Biggest idiot on Facebook
(39 posts, started )
Biggest idiot on Facebook
#2 - G!NhO
i'm famous!
just like everybody else.
what the **** niall?

edit: i crapped one thinking u wer on about me
Forget it.
Epic troll is epic
Own up, which one of the mods locked this earlier
I accidentally the whole Facebook account.
noes u published my fb site, which i visit nearly every 6 months! >_<
seriously...dont know what drugs ur on tho
lol. good one.

I really really really really nearly freaked out
#15 - Jakg
I made a thread like this a few years back, but I cannot find it now
I am confused.
#17 - Jakg
Quote from danthebangerboy :And whats your problem then???

If you have an issue with me or my FB then dont have me on your friendlist, simple.

the link he posted actually always shows your personal fb ur case it shows yours, in my case it shows mine and so on...its...well a joke link more or less
i this some sort of iq test? it sure does seem that way from the responses
My brother's FB was on at the moment, I really thought WTF is going on
Since the parameter is invalid, the param value is ignored and hence it becomes default profile.php hence your own page. Sorry for the spoiler, but this joke is very old :P also I think most ppl will click without reading further posts anyways
I LOVE the "what is your problem with me" replies, usually then edited away to make them look less stupid once they realise they were had.

Ha ha ha ha ha.
My face when I looked at these posts

Quote from tristancliffe :I LOVE the "what is your problem with me" replies, usually then edited away to make them look less stupid once they realise they were had.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Guilty as charged.


Biggest idiot on Facebook
(39 posts, started )