The online racing simulator
RACE_S Setup Not Included In The Game
Hello, Last month I formatted my computer and didnt back up my LFS, so I just downloaded a new one (0.6B) straight from the site without having to download the updates like I did before. for some reason the RACE_S setups for all of the cars (S2) arent included. when i take a look at the setups folder (C:\LFS\data\setups) the only setup there is the setup that comes with the FBM (Blackwood). I sort of need the RACE_S sets when im on a track and i dont have the set for that track, so its what i use as a generic set. so its kind of annoying when the choices i have are just [rallycross] and [hardtrack].

Can someone please help me with this? thanks.
(also, has this happened to anyone else than me?)
Thanks A Lot Man! I really appreciate the help!