The online racing simulator
Some Photoshop help
(19 posts, started )
Some Photoshop help
So, there's this exhibition, or it could be called a pigeon show in my town, the club my dad is in is the "admin" of it (dunno what is the actual expression xD) and I got the task to do a poster for it as I'm the only one who actually ever worked in PS.

But there's a problem and it's in the attachment. The problem is that this file is the only one that can't be cropped by my PS to get transparent background. So, if any of you could help me with that in any way or give me advice (anything but the lasso tool, 'cos my hands are shaking really bad ) of how to do it. Or maybe some effect that would make it possible to select?
BTW, the tool I was using is the quick selection tool so don't suggest that.

Shortly, what I want is that logo and that text with transparent background.
Thanks in advance
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#2 - Hahmo
select teh background and then shift+x
.png attached with transparent background
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#4 - Hahmo
GAV was faster than me.. i've done it aswell and was gna post .png
here ya go.

lol.. beaten..

edit: i went by "select" -> "color range..." and deleted all white, saved as .png
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Thanks to all of you for fast answers and for doing it. Gonna keep those things in my mind for the future.
I'm sorry you're making a design for a poster in Photoshop?
Face palm seriously,..

How about using Illustrator?
Why do people fail to understand the difference between actual real vector based graphics(illustrator) and pixels(photoshop)
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I'm sorry you're making a design for a poster in Photoshop?
Face palm seriously,..

How about using Illustrator?
Why do people fail to understand the difference between actual real vector based graphics(illustrator) and pixels(photoshop)

No, it's more like cropping, resizing, inserting and moving across the background image... But I'm using PS because it's the only thing I have that has good cropping and uses layers.
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I'm sorry you're making a design for a poster in Photoshop?
Face palm seriously,..

How about using Illustrator?
Why do people fail to understand the difference between actual real vector based graphics(illustrator) and pixels(photoshop)

Not all of us are pcnerds
#10 - JJ72
lol I've even seen people make poster with MS Word.
Quote from JJ72 :lol I've even seen people make poster with MS Word.

Not a bad thing to do, my dad would do it in Word if I had no PS. The only problem with it is that you get a document, not a picture.

Oh, and here is the poster. I know it's simple, but they wanted me to di it like that and they like it this way, so, it's going on the webpage.

E: Deleted the links, no english translation available...
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Quote from JJ72 :lol I've even seen people make poster with MS Word.

That is remotely ok if the poster is A4/Letter or what-ever. MS Word for HTML on the other hand.....
advantage of the opportunity, so I wonder, maybe will be a graphic designer who will do graphics for my site? (Link in the footer)
Comic Sans

you should add lens flare to make it a complete disaster
in all fairness
: /
Quote from PartyBoyU :advantage of the opportunity, so I wonder, maybe will be a graphic designer who will do graphics for my site? (Link in the footer)


Quote from Fuse5 :ffs
Comic Sans

It was on by default and I didn't change, also they didn't mind it either so it's not my problem anymore... And IMO, it looks nice.
I think I have really improved this poster:
On topic:

This one (see the attachment) should be slightly better.

The most easy way to cut such a logo is using itself as the alpha channel. Paint the inside of the logo (the blue parts) to black, reverse all the bands, paint everything except the inside to black on another copy and apply the reversed image as alpha channel, it's done. This method makes sure that there're no dirty pixels around the edges.

About Illustrator vs Photoshop:

In the end, your printer can only handle raster data, not vector.

As long as the resolution is high enough (which is really easy these days), working on raster from the very beginning should cause no problem at all.

About Comic Sans:

I never understand why people hate Comic Sans so much. It's just a font.

Shortly after I put some Comic Sans text on my university's website last year, some people e-mailed to my boss to complain, "OMG, you chose a guy who likes Comic Sans ?! Are you serious ?!!" And my boss's reaction was "What is Comic Sans ?"

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comic sans is like a joke that everyone has heard and now wants to unhear forever.

Some Photoshop help
(19 posts, started )