The online racing simulator
PRISM's Birthday (Aug 22nd, 2010)
PRISM's birthday is in about a month (1 month, 11 days) from now. Anyone want to do anything at all for this event? Small server party, maybe a feature showcase of what can be done with PRISM?

I've been meaning to get to work on some of the Dirt2 style game play modes that I liked when I was playing that. Things like owning a sector time, and stuff like that. So I hope to get that done before PRIMS's birthday so I can show that off to you all. The other 'killer app' plugin that I have planned is FOM overlays. Where it shows stats about who is in what place on screen with buttons. That another one that I hope to have finished before PRISM's birthday. I feel they are both obtainable goals.

So, does anyone else wish to 'show case' a plugin for PRISM's birthday?
PRISM Cruise?
maybe I can get my race system completed by then (CTRA-styleeeee), maybe a few races on that?
#5 - PoVo
LOL that's the day of my birthday