The online racing simulator
Airio InSim Problem (Track Rotation)
i have setup a own Server with the Airio InSim and it work good but i have a problem with the settings to rotate the tracks automatic.

I want to rotate from me defined track + layout after X Races but it dont work

this are my settings:
# Track rotation scheme happening on every display of race end screen.
# "track[|laps/-mins[|car+car+]] > track..." in the scheme - string
# Instead of laps, minutes can be set as a negative value, the race is
# then for specified number of minutes plus one lap for the leader.
# Track name may be followed by underscore and layout name.
RotateTracks=SO1Y|10|FOX > SO1X|10|FOX

How can i make this to geht work and how can i set the layout?

I hope any can help me
try "TRACK_layout" (eg: BL3_fig8).

What you mean? I dont understand

Edit: you mean this?:
RotateTracks=SO1Y_LAYOUT1|10|FOX > SO1X_LAYOUT2|10|FOX

The Problem is solved

But 1 Question more:
How i can set the Join Window with the own Server-Rules?
welcome.txt <- edit this file

Show us how did you solve problem. Other ppl can have same problem in future and this topic will help them.
The problem was:
After Start the Server i need to Start the Race and after Start i write /end to end the saison.
After the saison endet the airio load all configs.

idk why this is so but it works!