The online racing simulator
translation of Robo Grigorov - Kým ťa mám
hello racers,
can anyone from Slovakia translate this song into english ?
i provide the slovakian text next, and yes i could dump into google translator, but as a friend says: "translations must be done by humans ))"

Robo Grigorov - Kým ťa mám

Som dom, ktorý niekto zbúral
srdce je posledný nájomník
dnes to viem, že život je úraz
s ním sa potkýnam, potkýnam o chodník
Požičaj mi krídla láska kým ťa mám
Bozk mi vzal sto rokov prázdnin
nič už neplatí iba ty
dnes už viem, že svet sa zbláznil
stráž ma nech sa v ňom, nech sa v ňom nestratím.
Požičaj mi krídla láska kým ťa mám
R: Kým ťa mám buď môj anjel strážny vstúp do mňa a zažni
Kým ťa mám je tu nádej, že sa znova narodím.

I am a house that someone demolished,
Heart is the last tenant,
today I know, life is an accident,
I'm tripping over it, tripping over a pavement,
Love, borrow me wind as long as I have you
A kiss has taken away from me hundred years of holiday
Nothing matters anymore but you,
Today I know that the world has gone crazy,
Keep an eye on me so I don't get lost in it,
Love, borrow me wings as long as I have you
Ref: As long as I have you be my guardian angel, enter me and turn on the light
As long as I have you there is hope I'll be born again

Is it just my disgusting taste of music, or is this lyrics kinda... (expression censored in the interest of those who might like this song)?
Thank you,

about the taste ... everybody has its own, but the main purpose was the translation, so, thank you again.