The online racing simulator
question about TBO´s
(3 posts, started )
question about TBO´s
hi people

it is ok to put a 3% restriction admision to the FXO

and running the RB4 and XRT free?

´cause still is faster the FXO

andy idea or suggestion?, put more restriccion or what?
Well, after all you're still free to try to find a better balancing, feel free to do so. But to me it seems to me that FXO and XRT are closely matched with 3% for FXO, though you'll probably find more guys in FXO since it's way easier to push at its limit. The RB4 is slightly off the pace sadly, and it's a bit hard to deal with its tyres, no wonder why it's underused in TBO races.
Instead of restriction alone try 3% and a little weight penalty.
6% is about the limit i think before the FXO really starts to struggle.
Takes a very good FXO driver to keep up XRT and RB4 with that amount.

question about TBO´s
(3 posts, started )