The online racing simulator
F1 Steering Wheel Problem !!!
Hey there,

I am currently constructing a replica Formula 1 Wheel to be used on LFS.
Its taken a lot of design and prep so far, and i have a problem, so im hoping you guys can help =)

Right now i have a physical f1 wheel, but I am unsure how i am going to be able to sync my wheel with LFS. In other words I want my wheel to display roughly 3 things from LFS.

1/. Rev Indicator
2/. Gear Indicator
3/. Fuel % Remaining

When my wheel is complete, I would like the above to be exactly as they are displayed on LFS itself. I'm guessing its gonna take a lot of coding etc.

So from you guys, if possible, could you tell me what I specifically need to do in order to sync this bad boy up.

Pictures of my Wheel will be posted soon

Thanks for looking :-)