The online racing simulator
#1 - aldoz
dreaming LFS data using X-sim
Hello all.
I am using X-Sim software with good results.
I Can make "force sender" and "force profiler" comunicating with not big problems. But i am using just the test plug-in with the sliders, not LFS for the data.

I have tried to use LFS but nothing.. the visualized outsim data remain to zero.
Now i understand that i have to configure InSim and LFS cfg.txt for obtain my LFS shot out the data.

Please, can someone help me?
What are the steps i need to do for obtain my data out from LFS?

Thank you very much
#2 - aldoz
Nothing here? Please dudes, i just need an input! a way to understand the first step to the way to extracting data from LFS (using X-Sim)
Check out the OutSim section near the bottom of the lfs_folder/docs/insim.txt file.
You'll need to write some software to relieve the UDP packets sent by OutSim (once you enable it in cfg.txt) and translate that into whatever commands you need to control the hardware.

There's probably more information about OutSim in LFSManual.