The online racing simulator
What one should a buy?
(2 posts, started )
What one should a buy?
I have decided on a PACKARD BELL iXtreme X5620. Not sure what one I should go for though. ... ktop-pc-04092355-pdt.html

Or ... s&hash=item2eae28448a

I know they are Refurbished but they both come with a 1 year RTB Warranty, the only reason I'm stuck for choose is because 1 is from PC World and I have always purchased stuff from them and they have always been very good (possibly to expensive) The other is from a company I have never heard of before. But it is £50 cheaper than PC World.

If any of you have any alternate suggestions on what to buy form the same price, I’d be interested to know
To save some cash I'd get the one from ebay.. I have used ebay, including my dad, for years and never had any troubles..
I bought my PC from an unknown company and had no problems

The user (from feedback) looks very reliable, but all depends if your happy enough buying from ebay rather than a well know company, although £50 more expensive your guarantee'd not to have problems

What one should a buy?
(2 posts, started )