The online racing simulator
Dedicated Server help
(8 posts, started )
#1 - Mc21
Dedicated Server help
In my setup.cfg I set my admin password, give it to my admins but it doesn't work.. Even when I joined my server the admin didn't work.

//Example dedicated host configuration file.
//How to use : LFS /cfg=setup.cfg


//if required - password

//if required - admin password

//if required - InSim port

//if required - local specified ip address

//a high number below 65536



//BL1/BL1R/BL2... SO1/SO1R/SO2... etc

//weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood

//cars allowed - see README.txt

//max number of guests that can join host

//max number of cars in a race

//max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc

//max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc

//smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second

//qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying

//number of laps, 0 for practice

//if laps not specified - hours



//no/yes : can guests vote to kick or ban

//no/yes : can guests select track

//no/yes/ban/spectate : wrong way drivers

//no restart within X seconds of race start

//no restart within X seconds of race finish

//no/yes : allow join during race

//no/yes : pit stop required

//fixed/finish/reverse/random : race start order

//if required : welcome message up to 200 chars

//if required : text file listing allowed tracks

Any idea whats wrong?

Did you remove the preceeding slash from it too?
I.e., it should be /admin=foo, not //admin=foo
#3 - Mc21
nope didnt work.
#4 - Mc21

when i start up the dedi and type /admin=pasword it says "/admin" aint a command
I had trouble figuring out wtf was going on with admins passwords too...

Here's how i did it:

Start up your dedicated server and the field that says "admin password" obviously enter the password in there. I don't use a pre-made "server.cfg" file to start up my server, i juse use the ingame menu to set it up. But either way, enter your admin password.

Then, to log into admin you need to join the server with the admin password in the password field! Look here:

Tell your admins to do that, and it should work. I tried entering the admin password after i had already connected to the server in the text box... doesn't work that way. Need to log into admin as you join the server, via the password box.

Hope that helps!
As he sais above ^^^^

In the config make sure there is only ONE / in front of the admin password:

eg: /admin=XXXXXXXX instead of //admin=XXXXXXX

Restart the server aftter you edit that

and put the password in the password box as your entering the server. Should work fine
#7 - Mc21
nvm now guys, all i did was change the password, and it worked :/.. Maybe my passwords that i gave them were to small =P
The only reasons I can think of for that are
1) there are still two slashes on that line, i.e., //admin=foo
2) the passwords do not match
3) you haven't restarted the server after changing the setup file or password
4) you aren't using the correct config file

If it's something else, it beats me , unless there's a trick I've forgotten/not heard of.

Dedicated Server help
(8 posts, started )