The online racing simulator
#1 - Krane
Take a plate, put rice on it, put speakers on 11 -> Weirdness
Whoah! Thats... weird. illepall
I'm sure others could give you a far more technical explanation, but, essentially thats a demonstration of what sound/noise is, (waves/vibration etc) Cool aint it

BTW, you might wanna warning people to turn their sound down
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :Cool

That's probably salt though, unless someone's invented really tiny rice.


probably Japanese's
Nice. I did stuff with sounding waves in my physics A level class, making patterns in sand, etc, but nothing that looked as cool as that.
that was awesome!

oooh my ears!
Im sure, you turned your speakers very loud and then started the video , Mrbogeyman
What you're seeing there is the standing wave patterns of the plate the rice is on. Nothing mysterious, but very cool. You can see how the pattern gain complexity as the frequency goes up.
#9 - ORION
They should have put their finger somewhere onto the plate, and seen how this incluences the oscillation interference and thus the pattern
I was waiting for the black hole to open up and suck them all in....
maybe the call ricers ricers because they can do that in their trunk.
Wow. Thats a bit on the amazing side of things.
this is pretty sweet

i mean its not like everyday you can get something loud enough to mess around with food that can move using a stereo lol