The online racing simulator
How to watch ALMS, Ausie V8 supercars ?
As the tittle says how should i do this when my tv channels wont let me watch it.

Is there anything like a online stream channel for these kind of races? sometimes shows v8 but i wanna know also where to whats alms
ALMS might start official streaming this year. This is just hearsay from forums.
#4 - DeKo
Racing-Underground has torrents of ridiculous amounts of motorsports, its not live but its usually quite quick, you just need to get an invite, which are like rocking horse shit.
#5 - Gil07
I get most of my motorsport fix from RU. It's not live but it's the next best thing
#6 - JCTK
there's another site out there... but since my old computer is dead I couldn't find the link to that place again...
Racing underground could be the best place for you, there are quite a few people on there from here but as mentioned getting an invite it difficult. As far as I know you get 2 and thats it which unfortunately I have given mine out. If though I am wrong and you get anymore I will send you one, though I will have to wait until I am home to check this.

There is another site too, similar to racing underground, but not such a big community. Which could be the site JCTK is on about, unfortunately the rules of the site is that I can putt he name here, will PM/MSN you the link Chrisuu01 when I am home later.

However I am looking for a particular camera shot of that race from the second half. Maybe I just missed it, but while watching the Speed channel's broadcast of the second race, in the later half they had a shot where the camera was under the chassis aiming at the left front tire, which I would like to have in as high-quality as I can available to watch over and over again . . (For my own reasons - but it was a great shot IMO). Can anyone find that on the WWW? I've had no luck yet.
if anyone out there has a invite to RU can you send on?

Quote from blackbird04217 :...I would like to have in as high-quality as I can available to watch over and over again . . (For my own reasons...

Too much information.