24 Hours of Aston Grand Prix: Broadcast
Howdy !

Any team what has promotional material (aka adverts) that they'd like run at points during the weekend's broadcast, please submit download links to me via PM as soon as you can. Generally, I'd prefer them to be in the neighbourhood of 60-90 seconds long at most.

Keep them clean too, don't use songs where major expletives are prevalent, unless you have an edited cut of the song that has them deleted out.

Sooner the better if you can get them, preferably by Friday overnight UK time (0100--0200 Friday night/Saturday morning)

Also, a large part of keeping the broadcast flowing is interviews ! Drivers, do be willing to volunteer for an interview during the course of the race for whenever the broadcast team asks for it. We'll ask in IRC every so often.

Uberlarge stream download link ... t it up and upload it :P)
Duck isn't allowed.
(rc10racer) DELETED by rc10racer
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Duck isn't allowed.


We might need someone to keep the americans awake in the overnight and such
I will be on all the 24 hours, will be fun, although I doubt I will watch all the time
Sadly I cannot be there, quite probably at all. I understand it's a big loss but what can you do
Quote from hyntty :Sadly I cannot be there, quite probably at all. I understand it's a big loss but what can you do

#9 - Seb66
i need my beauty sleep
its black :P Radio! (Y)
#12 - arco
Lol @ Dennis doing Scottish accent.
(petric_10) DELETED by petric_10
The problem is that he minimizes windows when connecting and that ruins whole connection, unfortunatelly everyone will se password for that server, I suggest turning off broadcast, then connect to server and then restart broadcast (I was talking about multibc guy)
yupp, or just move lfs out of the screen.
TBH I doubt anyone would really go ZOMG PASSWORD and then join the server. And even if they did, they'd be kicked pretty quick

Unless they're in Conedodgers, of course
finally he made it!
EDIT: I think he tries to tell us something
multibc guy is here next time we will improve a bit
I dont think anyone is sad enough to connect and try to ruin the race...

I hope not anyways.
Good day to you sir
bluescreen... errors :P restart :P
We can't reboot the server remotely (can't connect to it). We're trying to contact MultiBC to sort the problem but we can't guarantee when we will resume the stream if at all.
oh, so they're not there? fp
Quote from Tomhah :oh, so they're not there? fp

Well, we don't think the guys sleep in the data centre, sadly.