The online racing simulator
I can almost smell it[speculation]
(63 posts, closed, started )
my visa is full with beers
i will help
#52 - 5haz
Smelling strange smells?

Call Transco, or 999, its either a gas leak or the onset of an epilleptic fit.
There is still hope for news years day. It is on a friday!
I can almost smell it too!
NO! not the 'rocco! i meant the gift that scawen's new kid gave him!
Quote from hariel-HUN- :In 2009 I paid quite a lot of money for simulation games, because I am finished waiting S3.

First of all I bought netKar (for 20 EUR ~ $29), which could be great, but the max number of people playing online is 1 (me).

Than, I decided to subscribe iRacing. I used a $5 promo code, with which I entered the system for a month. I drove quite well, to not to stop my progress I bought 2 tracks ($15 each) and a car ($12) when my 1 month subscription expired. I decided to not to renew it, because that game is rubbish. I can tell you it was a complete waste of time and money. I don't want to get on with it here, just believe me, it is.

Than, I saw a advert, where they said if you subscribe for their service you will get a free copy of GTR2. (spent $10 again) According to their site, it "enables you to race, 24/7 for free or cash prizes against hundreds of thousands of other racers". Just no. Only 2-3 people is driving GTR2 at a time. Plus, After 50-60 laps, I had enough of the unbelievably bad physics engine GTR2 have. My subscription is still lives until 12th of January, but I cannot even think of that game, because that makes me angry.

So all in all, in the last 3-4 months I spent: $29 + $47 +$10 = $86, just because I'm tired of waiting for anything new. All of this money could have been gone to LFS, if it would be a proper company, and they wouldn't only have 1+2 developers.

In RL, I'm a business consultant, people give me money to tell them, how to run their business. I'm sorry Scawen, but your management system is in deep alpha state.

A real good read especially like the fact that you like LFS better than GTR2 and Iracing, I thought about Iracing but refuse to pay2play after driving LFS I find myself struggling to find any sim/game that is anywhere near as good IMO.
Zeug is right its your fault for being impatient and spending your "LFS money" elsewhere, and the business you speak of, would be damaged by releasing anything before its ready, you must realise that?

I wonder how many peop[le who bought Rfactor & a logitech FF wheel and no other driving games? I bet they think that forces IRL work the way they do "out of the box" in rfactor? most experianced simmers know that the FF is reversed and must be changed, but beginners don't, my point is that a tiny bug, indeed many are left in more expensive games like the ones you speak of and the product is shipped money made and development finishes, not so with LFS it may take a while but it should be proper good when its done

Optimistically I'd hope that the time from now to the release will be less than the time that has passed since the first announcement.

Seems like a boat well and truly missed though. When the Scirocco was first announced it was brand new, not on the road yet, when we got the cmx viewer it was still brand new and still not on sale everywhere. I felt like there was some kudos attached to that, I at least found it interesting that a game such as LFS could do that.

Now it might as well have been a Golf V.
Maybe we'll get it next christmas then!
The majority of the people complaining about it taking ages and complaining about LFS being dead are the ones who've driven AS3/GTR for the past year and now find that boring so they don't play at all. Learn some other cars, play on some other tracks and appreciate what you have a lot more - because the way your going about things now means you'll just get bored of the scirocco within a week.

At the end of the day, who really cares if there's a new car coming - even though it really annoys me when people say this to me, but a lot of you need to get a life! Its not a big deal at all when you actually think about what your sat here complaining about... Its a waste of energy and a waste of the moderators / developers time when they have to sift through a test patch forum past all of the kiddy spam to find the bug report they are looking for to finally get it finished.
I just wonder what happened to those "good releases this year". I actually believed that one.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Quote from Matrixi :I just wonder what happened to those "good releases this year". I actually believed that one.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me can't get fooled again!

Well, there is still a week to go so.....

Unless he was talking about multi screen support.
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I can almost smell it[speculation]
(63 posts, closed, started )