The online racing simulator
New year event
(60 posts, started )
Quote from CSF :AS7r XRR GT2

lol, no! I dont wanna make that mistake again
#28 - CSF
But if it's me driving I'll just punt you round and not be nice like Mark was.
Quote from CSF :But if it's me driving I'll just punt you round and not be nice like Mark was.

You cant punt car what´s behind you
#30 - CSF
When I'm lapping you though. Unless I get engine damage through my wheel going nuts again.
#32 - CSF
How many times did you spin in the first hour again.
Quote from CSF :How many times did you spin in the first hour again.

uhh, noone, but some wide many times
agreed with that
F08+GTR's @ KY2 Proper ALMS/LMS style racing
FBM @ Any South City
I guess it's time for an announcement pretty soon, no?
Quote from zeugnimod :I guess it's time for an announcement pretty soon, no?

Maybe they forgot about it.
Quote from G!NhO : Maybe they forgot about it.

Nooooo we haven't.

Jack has. :doh:
I haven't forgotten!

Ill do it tomorrow, if possible - struggling to think of a combo that suits everyone!
lx6 @ fe4

2H without one single pit-stop
LRF + TBO at what ever track.
No open wheel.

That doesn't bring close racing imo.
That brings me close to walls
Gt2 + lrf

New year event
(60 posts, started )