The online racing simulator
Radio in LFS
Hey. I'm wondering if it's possible to make something like this: ?
But everyone in the server could listen to radio (or stop listening, if they got bored to it)? If it's possible, could you tell me how?

P.s. maybe someone has that LFS WMP source and could share?
P.s.s. I'm programming with C#
You would essentially need to program a sound transferring over the net. Each player that wanted to tune into the channel would download this separate application. It wouldn't need to do anything with InSim at all actually. But transferring sound like that is not a trivial task and would take a lot of bandwidth when tons of players join in. Voice transferring works a little differently because it is fine to have low quality, mis-bits here and there. Generally if noticed its not a terrible thing and ussually can go unnoticed.

With music though quality matters more, I'm not sure why but listen to music over Ventrilo, Team Speak or Skype... You will understand what I mean.


The other alternative is to write this application, and have all the songs and voice files available for download. Watch for copyright infringment here obviously. In this situation all the people who want to listen to the 'radio' would have it on their PC, and only get a few networked messages when they connect to see what song is playing and the current spot of that song...


I don't think this is worth it in the long run unless your planning on making some form of radiostation application where listening to it gives the player a solid form of entertainment. I am not trying to be negative, but consider if people will get an entertainment boost from this when they can listen to WMP or whatever already?
Well not to hard after all.

There are already audio streaming applications, like Shoutcast or Icecast, which could serve as radiostation.
All you need would be control an external audioplayer (e.g. winamp) via insim or implement a simple audioplayer.