The online racing simulator
Plate bug
(4 posts, started )
Plate bug
I thought it was fixed but no, i specced a guy and my plate change to his plate (he had PWN KING plate, so mine changed to PWN KING) it also happened to me in version Z, i was racing and suddenly my plate changed to Suck Me, why? i think i put it in the wrong section... sorry
Uh, if you take over ("rent" in cruise language which is more understandable to you because you are cruiser), then you rent () a numberplate too.
no in my cruise server (windstyle cruise) isnt allowed to rent, so i didnt
Same thing happened several times to me too in most Z patches and even on other previous releases. Quite annoying... Btw, it wasn't in cruise servers :P

Plate bug
(4 posts, started )