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£70 for a XFX 8800 GTX Good/bad?
(21 posts, started )
£70 for a XFX 8800 GTX Good/bad? ... ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

The guy selling(i know him via an car club) this would take 70 + postage

is that good. Looked at reviews and what not.

currently ive got a 8800GS with 384(?)mb

Im not looking to upgrade comp much was just going to buy it if it is worth the dosh

#2 - Jakg
8800GT is the same performance (ok, maybe 1-2% slower in games) and cheaper, and isn't huge / eats power / makes tons of heat.,

I traded from an 8800GTX to a GT and noticed nothing performance wise, but got more money in my pocket and a less cluttered PC...
It is watercooled though, seems like a good price for a card with a watercooling block already installed. If you're really interested in that little bit of performance boost, i'd say; go for it.
The question is, do you have a watercooling system in your PC?
Quote from Stiggie :It is watercooled though, seems like a good price for a card with a watercooling block already installed. If you're really interested in that little bit of performance boost, i'd say; go for it.
The question is, do you have a watercooling system in your PC?

running a 3800 amd 64x2 8800gs(detuned gt basicly) 2gb ram on xp. Im runnin via my lg 1080p hd tv at full res. Thats why i was wondering i4f itr worthwhile
it's not a bargain or anything

since you can buy a card that performs the same and for the same amount of money.
#6 - Jakg
Quote from Stiggie :It is watercooled though, seems like a good price for a card with a watercooling block already installed. If you're really interested in that little bit of performance boost, i'd say; go for it.
The question is, do you have a watercooling system in your PC?

It's a self contained water cooling system (supposedly) not something you plug into an existing water system.
Quote from Jakg :It's a self contained water cooling system (supposedly) not something you plug into an existing water system.

no it isn't.

it's a waterblock.

you can even see where the racords(?!) are supposed to be screwed in


this is the waterblock

so this guy is either saying lies or tries to sell a card he damaged thinking it's a fully enclosed cooler.

#8 - Jakg
From the listing:

"The cooler is fully enclosed so does not need to be hooked up to a full watercooling setup, and will run near silently."

I dont believe it, but while I see the holes i dont see any barbs to attach it via so meh.
you think i didn't read the listing?

anyway, i'll let you think about it. take your time. check zalman's site, etc.
looked at the zalman webby it seem it does need a seperate water supply.

What cards could i get for that price then ?

#11 - Jakg
I dont believe the listing, but at the same time I can't see any barbs on the card that you could hook the hoses up to - only holes.

From the amount my Reserator (their premium water cooling product at the time) struggles with my 95w CPU, I doubt Zalman really would of made a block for a card with a TDP of 177w?
zalman has made this waterblock for the 8800gtx

look at the site at the link i provided.

you see the holes in which the barbs are supposed to go in.

the listing is wrong.

what you see is a 8800gtx with the zalman 8800gtx waterblock but with its barbs removed.

did you forget your brain at the pub today dude? snap out of it.

besides, just because the crappy reserator struggles with a cpu what does that mean? that a watercooling block is inadequate? if that were inadequate... then aircooling would be better? is it opposites day?
Quote from mongoosetierney :looked at the zalman webby it seem it does need a seperate water supply.

What cards could i get for that price then ?


either the 8800gt or the 4850. they are more or less the same performance. maybe the 4850 has lower powerconsumption but i do not know much about nvidia anyway
#14 - Jakg
Quote from george_tsiros :besides, just because the crappy reserator struggles with a cpu what does that mean? that a watercooling block is inadequate? if that were inadequate... then aircooling would be better? is it opposites day?

If it is inadequate for a CPU with a 95w heat output - why would they design a block for a card with nearly DOUBLE the heat output?!

My Dad has a reserator on a 4400 (or is it 4800) x2 AMD and an 8800GTS 640 MB and the pipes are almost too hot to touch.

An 8800GTX would cook in that thing.

And why the hell would anyone sell a "self contained water cooler" which is actually a card + block with no barbs to actually hook it up with? It sounds like that card has been cooking for it's life to me...
it is not a selfcontained water cooler. leave it. it's a waterblock without the barbs, on a 8800gtx

yes jakg i remember about your dad's reserator. it's a really bad cooling system. only good because it is dead silent.

medium watercooling is better than good aircooling. go watch some reviews. bad watercooling (i.e. something like the reserator1) is more or less as good as medium aircooling. medium aircooling is whatever stock coolers are on the cpu.

here's another comparison between one of the best heatsinks, the TRUE against a budget watercooling system, the hydro50whatever (60 quid for a complete cpu watercooling kit when usually only the cpu waterblock is that much. look at dangerden etc)
#16 - Jakg
Did I say the reserator was good? no. Does this mean water is shit? no.

Did I say it was a self-contained system? no. I said "apparently" quoting form the ad as I wasn't sure.
Quote from Jakg :Did I say the reserator was good? no. Does this mean water is shit? no.

Did I say it was a self-contained system? no. I said "apparently" quoting form the ad as I wasn't sure.

you said that zalman wouldn't have ("of") made a waterblock for the 177W vga card because the reserator struggles with the 95W cpu.

faulty logic because one is not like the other. one is a waterblock, the other is a radiating reservoir. (reser-voir + radi-ator, reser-ator). the reserator is more or less as good a cooler as is a stock cooler. even medium-high heatsinks cool better than that. so whatever the reserator does is not a good argument to stand on and say that 'they wouldn't of made a waterblock for a 177W card'.

you also expressed doubts as to whether the card as sold on ebay has a selfcontaining, complete, cooling system, because you couldn't see any barbs, ignoring that there are holes on there. so one would say that it is apparent (it appears, i.e. you can see it) not a self contained system.

clear now? ... page=3666&articID=856

here's a 4mm thick vga waterblock that cools a 8800GT 30 degrees better than the stock cooler.

any doubts remaining as to whether zalman might have made a waterblock for such a powerhungry card? (besides, you know, actually selling the thing...)
Ok guys forget about that card for know.

my PC specs are
AMD 64 X2 4800+ @ 2.51GHz
8800GS 384mb
2GB Ram
650W pwoer supply.
Windows XP

Running off a 32" full HD TV with all games played in HD (LFS, call of duty 4, fear ect)

System runs fine have it limited to 60fps on lfs sometimes goes down to 45 very occasionally.
Plays TDU Max detail @ avg of about 40 in the city and 50-60 elsewhere- TDU is played 1600x900 when i go to full 1080p i get about 4 FPS ???

Thing is now the card is artifacting after several hours game play so id say it was on its way out.

What graphics card would be best for me, pref nVida.

Also for my size screen would SLI be worth it- i have an SLI motherboard.

Wouldnt want to spend much more than £100 up to £150 max

the card is overheating

go at tomshardware or whatever site, look at benchmarks of games (not spec3d or 3dmark stuff) see what card you can buy with that money

That's about it.
I woulden't be buying any of the 8800 cards right now, they are failing left right and center. There are several forums with tons of people complaining because their 8800 card has died, and not just one single brand ALL OF THEM.

It apears there is a defect in the chips that is causing these cards to start to "alphabet soup" after a while, on startup and durring use.

I don't normaly bias, but I would go with an equivelent ATI if you plan on getting an 8800 series. Or get something else Nvidia if you dislike ATI.

I know I'd pass on the 8800 right now, it's not worth the risk.

£70 for a XFX 8800 GTX Good/bad?
(21 posts, started )