G25 help...
(11 posts, started )
G25 help...
Anyone have any idea why logitech profiler won't recognize the G25?

When I plug it in, windows pops up and says new hardware found and it knows it's a G25 but the program won't.

I've tried installing off of the CD through the plug and play windows feature but it prompts me to locate a file in e:/x86/multi/driver on the cd and it can't find anything.

When I go through the software install, it doesn't detect the wheel.

Anyone? Bueller?

Btw: it works on my other PC just fine, just not on the my gaming rig.
Try downloading the latest logitech g25 drivers from their website.
are you talking about 5.04 profiler, if so I tried that.

I wish they had stand alone drivers, but I don't think they do. Unless, I'm mistaken

I might just end up reinstalling windows on that machine, we'll see.
Yes, sorry I was talking about the profiler/drivers as one thing. OK so you've already done that.
I had the same problem with my DFGT. follow these steps exactly and it should work perfectly.

-Uninstall any existing profiler/driver files
-make sure the wheel is unplugged from the computer
-restart the computer
-install the logitech software
-when prompted to plug in any logitech hardware do so, make sure the power supply is connected and the wheel is secured to the desk/stand.
-wait for the install to finnish
-restart your computer

That should work. the logitech drivers won't detect new hardware properly after install for some reason, you have to reinstall the drivers and then plug in the wheel when prompted.
I had that problem sometimes but not with G25, it was the Mouse, Joystick... I tried to change the USB port and it fixed the problem.
#8 - xtm
A slightly unrelated post, but nevertheless:

Can someone, who has a G25, post the accurate distance between the 2 screws, that attach the brake pedal plate to the brake pedal lever. In metric please


Hoping for a quick reply, thanks
(SparkyDave) DELETED by SparkyDave
(JasonJ) DELETED by JasonJ : nvm
Nice question .
erm, someone answered, now the answer is gone...?
37mm, measured with the pedal plate in place so make that +/- 1mm.
Why are you asking?

G25 help...
(11 posts, started )