The online racing simulator
#1 - jool
G25 turning my Forcefeed back off?
I've installed my G25 yesterday and it worked just fine i played for 7 hours without any problems but then i was driving to the pit and my computer crashed i thougt fair enough i just reboot my computer and so i did.... (hell broke loose) now my LFS is turning my force feed back off ingame so i reinstalled wingmanteam's driver but that only gave me force feed back in windows... as soon i got into the game it was turned off again? even my calibration ingame is wierd now... it's giving gas by itself and i can't turn the wheel 2 centimeters before it goes 360 degrees seriously what to do?

hope you can live without " , . " i'm not good at those
First of all, you would write better

Check the setup of LFS and check it too in G25's setup. Something in LFS or G25's Setup must be wrong. Center the G25, reboot PC and watch all FFB configs.
#3 - jool
Quote from FlyingSam :First of all, you would write better

Check the setup of LFS and check it too in G25's setup. Something in LFS or G25's Setup must be wrong. Center the G25, reboot PC and watch all FFB configs.

My english isn't good i know that (: but i have one major problem and that's i dont know how to set the wheel in LFS... and how can i see all FFB configs?
Start the Logitech profiler and find the Force Feedback options, it's easy, it's everything there. Try turning on and off FFB on profiler to see what happens in game. Last, turn it on and off on LFS, Options, Controls. You must watch and try everything. I have a G25 too but I never had that problem, so I can only tell you about see all options, is the way that I use many times to solve a trouble.

Do you have throttle and brake axes combined or separated? They must be separated (Run LFS>OPTIONS>CONTROLS).
When your PC froze, it reset the calibration, just run LFS go to options/ controls / click "axis/FF" button then click "recalibrate" its on the right side above all the axis displays. then you need to turn your wheel from lock to lock and press and release all the pedals, then click "lock" also check you have FF switched on in the same screen.

This should fix your problem

You don't need the logitech profiler, LFS will work with your wheel just fine without it. Use "<" and ">" ingame when driving to adjust the FF

Good luck.