The online racing simulator
Cant calibrate my G25
(6 posts, started )
Cant calibrate my G25
hey all

Got a problem here i cant calibrate my Wheel i have tried to do it from windows and from the profiler
The wheel turns full 900 degrees on selftest and then it stops allmost at the end to the left i can turn 3 times to the right but only ½ time to the left ?! and i cant callbrate it dont got the button "callibrate"

Sorry for my bad english hehe
#2 - ReVoX
in profiler you need setup the parameters, and go to options/aply profile to a game (I dont have profiler in english), after you need setup LFS
same here
#4 - senn
take it back and get it tested. If it isn't self testing properly, it sounds defective. Mine has ALWAYS self centered on startup.
sometime it happens to me

when i turn left it can go lock but not on the others way and when i put my wheel centered my lfs wheels are a bit going to the left

its strange but when i disconnect the usb of my g25 and plug it back it fix the problem
Quote from lfs-drift staff :sometime it happens to me

when i turn left it can go lock but not on the others way and when i put my wheel centered my lfs wheels are a bit going to the left

its strange but when i disconnect the usb of my g25 and plug it back it fix the problem

I suffer the same problem on occasions. This is the way to fix it. A tip though: Move the wheel all the way to the right first, then unplug it and plug it back in. It should center perfectly then.

Cant calibrate my G25
(6 posts, started )