The online racing simulator
LFS Editors.. Needed in future?
(33 posts, started )
#26 - Gunn
Quote from RS1T :
Also, in the thread above, some people posted that the original cars in LFS looked 'good'. LFS was started in the early '00s, so why do some of the cars look like they are from the 1980's (XRG, UF1, XFG), and the rest are drivel from the 90's (FXO, RB4 etc.). Also, it looks like some of the cars were drawn with rulers. For example, look above the side windows on the RB4, and the wheelarches. Even the curves were drawn with a ruler

Some of the cars "look like they are from the 1980's" because they are from that era.

As for straight edges in wheel arches etc, all 3D models are made up from triangles which form polygons. The more triangles (or polys) that a model has the greater the illusion of a curve. Original LFS cars were not extremely high-poly models, obviously to keep resource use down for lower-spec PCs. Recently several of the car models were updated, including more polys in certain areas like wheel arches. While very high poly models are no real trouble to make, many players would complain of low FPS etc. In most 3D games a compromise is made with modelling. Look at Counter-Strike as an example, the player models are very straight-edged ie: they have low polygon counts.
Quote from Gunn :Some of the cars "look like they are from the 1980's" because they are from that era.

I wouldn't know which ones though, both the XRG and the XFG are screaming first half of the 90s to me. Tolerances in panel coupling, bumper shaping and design of the lights are all giving it away. The UF1 is so retro it's hard to date it.

Quote from Gunn :As for straight edges in wheel arches etc, all 3D models are made up from triangles which form polygons.

You have to agree the RB4 is less smoothly modeled than most other cars though, the wheel arches and roof line are so rough you don't even need another car beside it to notice. It could really use a body upgrade IMO
the problem with 3rd party mods is that you loos consistency within the game. We are all well accustomed to what LFS looks and "feels" like, and if someone just converted over some random rFactor track(s) (which is most likely what would happen) then all of the sudden it's not LFS anymore. It rFactor for Speed.. and who wants that? not me at least... Even in some of the best rFactor tracks there are still inconsistancies accross the board in terms of realism, graphics, overall feel, things like that. So you still end up with the 10 or so tracks that everyone plays and in that sense, we're back to square one.. So in short, no... no mods of any sort. The Devs have done an awesome job evolving the game into what it is today without ever loosing the "feel" of the experiance that is LFS.
Quote from RS1T :Its a nice idea, but i think is a shame that people spend their time writing things like this which never even get considered for the game.

And where did you get the inside information that it won't ever get considered for LFS?

Modding may, or may not be, a part of the final version of LFS. Even if Scawen reads the post, never things about it again until LFS is nearly done, and then implements a couple of things because he remembers hearing about them some years back, then my attempt at saving the community from a second rFactor was not in vain. Even if LFS will never allow modding and some other developer years from now starts a new 'LFS' and remembers some of the ideas on here, then that will make my typing that worth it.

They are not plans to implement modding in LFS, they are just things for the devs and the community to consider if they ever think about having mods allowed. Just a helping hand, basically.
but, its not rfactor, its LFS - with decent physics, real ffb feelings, can really push cars to their limits.
There are some rfactor tracks that I would love to be able to play on with proper LFS physics like mountain sprint, raceking's nurburgring and the brittish rally stage to name just a few. Yes there are some crappy tracks made for rfactor, but its up to the users to choose to download them, and the person who created it obviously enjoys racing on it so whats the problem.

As I say before I don't think we need car mods, there is plenty available to us for now (including the new VW when/if its released). Also this would probably get round the problem of updates breaking mods as most updates would be to the physics engine which is car based. Graphics may change but its not likely to be as frequent as the physics engine so would mean tracks would be less likely to be affected by any update patches and anyway whats to stop people from fixing the broken mods.

I also don't really see the problem of having 30gb of data either, we are not in the late 90s, you can pick up 500gb drives now for under £40.
Quote from The Very End :I would love a way to add OFFLINE cars/tracks. Add-on cars and track would not be able beeing used online, but offline.
Whats wrong with creating shitty tracks or cars if it's just for offline use? Online we would be limited to the LFS base cars and tracks, to ensure quality and possible mismatch / have to search for mod download every time you tried to connect to a different server.

Not bad idea, but better if you can use ONLY in private servers. I want to run in a private leagues in different tracks than now
The answer was already "No."

And no, I don't want any pod racers from star wars.
#33 - senn
Rfactor last patch - december 07. And that was some "drift beta" gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. LFS is fine as it is. If you get bored, tweak