The online racing simulator
#1 - wE1l
Testdriver in replay mode---handy way to collect setups?
Was viewing biggie's Bl1 wr replay and accidentally thought about hitting the "test driver" button to see what would happen. Well I think I was actually driving in the same condition in which biggie drove that lap, i.e. ambient temperatures, setups, everything was the same except the driver in the cockpit was me---am I right about this?illepall

If so, then it might be an easy way to get the setups from whom you're interested in, notably from those wr holders. But I am not sure how to output setup files alone in the replay.

Sorry if this is a n00b question to you.
There was a somthing about this earlier... But getting setups from replays is considered a bad bad thing and... should not be done.

I hope it answers your question
You can only test drive the setup, you cannot get the setup out of the replay.
You used to be able to hit F12 and F11 to find out suspension settings and brake bias...they stopped that now.
#5 - wE1l
Is it really that bad a thing? Anyway I suppose now you absolutely could use biggie's setup to do your hotlaps in testdrive mode.
But you cannot upload your hotlaps that are done in test drive mode.
#7 - wE1l
Quote from Tweaker :But you cannot upload your hotlaps that are done in test drive mode.

That settles it.
Quote from Tweaker :But you cannot upload your hotlaps that are done in test drive mode.

Very annoying, when I did a 1:41.64 with Csimpok's setup on SO1 with the FOX, I didn't even realise that you could save the replay.
wr ghost car
Well, if you can't save the setup you are still able to save a wr-ghost-car though. thats also interessting since this is the time to beat. nice to see how you lose that much time just T1.

Quote from Lampost22 :Well, if you can't save the setup you are still able to save a wr-ghost-car though. thats also interessting since this is the time to beat. nice to see how you lose that much time just T1.


I haven't been able to get this to work? How did you do that?
I've only managed race a ghost of my own lap.
ghost patch download
Quote from evans :I haven't been able to get this to work? How did you do that?
I've only managed race a ghost of my own lap.

if you have the right version and a specific "patch" than its no hard to do that. as mentioned, you will need a patch that came out some time ago. its called ghostpatch for you and all not having it here is the download:

the download page is in german, so scroll down and klick the "free" button within that table on the right lower side. next step is to type in 3 letters into a field provided. (kein premium user *** hier eingeben.) -->download.

the download will be available for 30 days from now on. if u miss it just look for lampost22 on any lfs server, the racing challenge @ or the german esl series.

just unzip and start the patch. it is not a patch that overwrites anything. when startet a small panel pops up with a button to press whenever u'r ready. it is absolutly necessary that you do not fast forward the replay b/c then it doesn't work and it will give you an error msg after finishing the lap.

1. start patch
2. start any hl replay
3. press the button of the "patch"
4. watch until the end
5. hotlap and get frustrated b/c ur toooo slow

cya and have fun!
Some guys spend a lot of time and effort in getting their setups just right. So you effectivly 'nick' one of a replay is even worse than constantly badgering someone when they are racing for their setup. In some cases it's a point of competative interest to keep setups close to the chest. Quite often you will find an 'inherited' setup to be nigh on undrivable because you have not been a part or driven the testing that went into making the setup. You'll just end up getting frustrated with it.

Setting up is part of LFS. Read the manuals and the Forums, take the freely available ones that are knocking around and learn to adapt and change the sets to suit yourself. You'll find it far more rewarding in the long run . . .
It is possible to get the setups from the hotlaps but, as was mentioned it was considered a no no.

The last time I broached this subject on the forum, as soon as some useful information was mentioned all the 'useful' posts were deleted and the thread was closed.

I wonder if it'll happen again if I mention grabbing the sets from memory using API calls from VB.