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Very great!
S3 licensed
Quote from Mr.46 :You're a good, but you lost ur mind and pushed me off the track

Yea, and i said sorry. UF1 has an amazing bug. But okay, i will withdrawn anyway.
S3 licensed
Maybe im just too noob to drive in this league... Last year it was so much better.
S3 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :

It is a spam. Ridiculous? We said to people before the race that we will give penalties for short cutting. We asked that maybe we should add layout, but drivers said that its not needed. So, agree with penalties then.
S3 licensed
Klaidas, we dont need any spam here. If you dont have say anything, then be quiet
S3 licensed
Quote from andRo. :t was just written, to others to know with how many wheels he cut the pit line.

It was just so strange to cut pitline there and with 4wheels. Thats the reason why i put "with 4wheels". Andro thought totally right.
S3 licensed
ill be there, maybe
S3 licensed
Good luck, MAXIMUM!
S3 licensed
Quote from Alianto :Rule says:

The chat line was written before racestart.

I had said already "chat closed" and then T.Gedminas said "good race". We dont argue on it anymore, it will be a penalty for chatting during the race.
S3 licensed
Make a protest and we will watch this incident and decide what to do.
Baltic Cup 2010: Round 3 Protests & Replay
S3 licensed
Include the following in your protest:

Cars involved:
Description of incident:

Race Replay

You can make protests until 5th March 21:00 GMT+2.

LT - T.Gedminas - +10sec penalty for chat in the race.
LT - D.Raizys - +20sec penalty for cutting the pitline on lap 30 with four wheels.
Last edited by VTiRacing, .
S3 licensed

You guys can cut the "inside" line of pit outline. You can ignore inside line and we will not penalyze you
S3 licensed
Quote from MuderGO[LT] :You want to say that the penalty for crossing the pit-line for free?

I want to say that its stupid, like you gave a penalty to Andro in last round. He didnt even cut the pitline, he just drove on it and you gave to him +20 sec penalty. Just lets stop it. Peace.
S3 licensed
Quote from MuderGO[LT] :You just need to manage the server.. Nothing more to do..

No, for now we will make a protests and penalties with Andro and Kirill. You just make a results, grid table and points. We dont need your penalties, if driver driving on the pitline and he got +20 sec. Peace and lets stop it.
S3 licensed
Runas, again. Why you change it? I dont understood you and now i understand what you wanna do. Just dont be so admin, because you are not. The one and only headadmin is Kirill and he can change the rules usually. To race will get top10 each one country. Like always and there aren't problem, why you need to change it now? Anyway, that rule is deleted, and we continiue like always. Drivers can race, if there are free spot, even if he didnt made a qualification! Runas, change this rules back and dont do it anymore!

EDIT: I changed it already!
::/Drivers, who didn't get into country's TOP 10, can't participate in race. But if there are free spots at race day then drivers who didnt qualify, can do a race. And you all still can use "replace system", but then you will start back of the grid.

EDIT2: Runas, you just make for us a points and grid. Please dont change any rules anymore. Andro will help (i hope) me and we will do any others things.

Thank you!
Last edited by VTiRacing, .
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :added final driver.

he isnt even in your lineup
S3 licensed
Yea, we lost 20 minutes. :P But ah, let it be
S3 licensed
Estonian "short-edition" qual Our server crashed and we didnt do a full qual. ... _qual_60M_0R_13Q.mpr.html

"tiitlita" is a picture of our qual results.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Added Estonian qualification date.
S3 licensed
Quote from MuderGO[LT] :Team Name: Deadline Team
Car Model: FZR
Team Manager: MuderGO[LT] - Modestas Runas
Team Vice-Manager: Danas - Danas Lipčius
A.Staškevičius [iFastLT] LTU
D.Lipčius [Danas] LTU
K.Gasiūnas [TexasLTU] LTU
M.Runas [MuderGO[LT]] LTU
P.Klimanskas [BeNicko] LTU

Is that allowed? He isnt in Deadline.
S3 licensed
I wannna doo itttt!
S3 licensed