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S3 licensed
hey!!!!....i miss the grid 2 pódium!!!!!
S3 licensed
115, Pedro Martinez, vinsu, Team America (TAM)
S3 licensed
I can´t see

Official Results
Pre-Qualifying only this
- Qualifying Grid 1
- Qualifying Grid 2
- Race Grid 1
- Race Grid 2

S3 licensed
no se si subió
S3 licensed
115, Pedro Martínez B., vinsu, Team America
S3 licensed
Your Name: Pedro Martinez B.
Your LFS Username: vinsu
Team Name: TAM
Driver Number: 115
Car Selection: FXR
Nation: CHILE
S3 licensed
Quote from JackCY :FE4, SO5, XR2 is in disadvantage could we get less restriction

Come on, sing up for the car you want to use with the restrictions presented, don't fish for messing up with balancing while the season starts. Get another car, you still can if you don't like FX2 and made a bad choice you think.

and if you like the FXR, and want to deal with the best, you can not participate in this championship?, that is, you can but you will not be able to enter a date, because I'm sure you could even get inside the 31, restrictions are not well, so I've always said that they should not have put the FXR to choose, so there would be no complaints.

So basic is to respond ..... change your car
....the facts give me the reason

and attests my attendance though not will classify within 31 privileged they know and get used to driving other cars.

S3 licensed
password wrong say when i trie to in server
S3 licensed
some pilots say the restriction for fxr bad, it will have advantages ..... the facts say otherwise just fzr and xrr on the grid, despite lowered the restriction .... open your eyes and organize a championship with invitation to certain drivers, only leading those mentioned. They are always saying that the fxr is the easiest to bring it out of the sand easier flexing better, better braking, etc, etc ........ but you see, that everything they say is from the mouth outwards, not intended hold that after seeing this qualifier ..... no ..... fxr on the grid is unfair .... because if you invite a championship with three cars, obviously they do who are waiting for the three cars on the grid, and we exist pilots who want to run with the best ..... what more could we, we turned a lot of laps but we can not lose more time, then something must be wrong, not only the choice of car.
Surely give them the same, but it is my right to state what I think.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackCY :FX2 is fast enough in the right hands. But in every league people complain. FXR has few advantages over the rest: 4x4 = getting out of sand rather easily, stable and harder to spin out, overall safer and easier to get across the finish line, easy to drive. Sure it's not fastest lap record breaker on most tracks but it excels elsewhere. Along with different driving possibilities, harder brakes/shorter stopping distance, faster corner exits. Get a draft and you get the speed of your competing cars on the straight plus better cornering. I say it's a beast with the stock and long used restrictions.

22% for KY2, oh well...

What about rule B.3?

i think that you use FXR now.......i want to see that.
S3 licensed
122, Rodrigo Melendez, melendez, TAM
S3 licensed
127, Daniel Curubeto, D_cury, TAM
035, Pedro Martinez, vinsu, TAM
S3 licensed
discussion on the restrictions of the three cars already carry equate years and will be difficult to agree, especially when those who lay not use any of them because I just do not like, specifically the FXR. So I think that if you are not going to balance the car more evenly, simply do not include the FXR and leave a championship XRR and FZR, apparently in the lapper, at least on this date will be. Now, I would like those "fast drivers" will mark the lapper with FXR, to see if some of them could get within 31 running the main event.

PD: I hope they do not use comments like "man cars" or things like that, because if there is the possibility of choosing a car, anyone can take it, hoping that the performance of them is even, or not?

ah, I forgot, I have 44 years, married with 4 children and a good job, so you do not ask then hehehehe

greetings and will try to rotate as much as possible to be eligible to a seat in the main event.

again google translate
S3 licensed
very few drivers with FXR, it is difficult to be classified in any top 30. To those who like the FXR, leave us with no option, obviously the cars are not matched ....... this will be a championship between the FZR and XRR., I know you will say that you use one of the other cars, but then because there is the option to take the FXR?


Translate with the google traductor.....sorry
S3 licensed
Quote from vinsu :your name: Daniel curubeto
your lfs username: D_cury
team name: Tam (team américa)
driver number: 127
car selection: Fxr
nation: Argentina

change car...thanks
S3 licensed
Your Name: Daniel Curubeto
Your LFS Username: D_cury
Team Name: TAM (Team América)
Driver Number: 127
Car Selection: XRR
S3 licensed
Quote from vinsu :Your Name: Pedro Martínez B.
Your LFS Username: vinsu
Team Name: TAM (Team América)
Driver Number: 35
Car Selection: FXR
Nation: CHILE

change number
S3 licensed
Your Name: Pedro Martínez B.
Your LFS Username: vinsu
Team Name: TAM (Team América)
Driver Number: 35
Car Selection: FXR
Nation: CHILE
Last edited by vinsu, . Reason : Change number
S3 licensed
#204 GT2 send
S3 licensed
Nombre Team: LFS CHILE 1
Auto: FXR


Pedro Martinez/ LFSCH1- Vinsu / vinsu

Joaquin Espinoza/ LFSCH1- Intellieye / Intellieye
Felipe Solis/LFSCH1- Renesis /

S3 licensed
gracias DFS por el laburo
S3 licensed
DFS, no cambia nada la cosa pero nosotros LFSCH 1 llegamos tb con 216 vueltas, no con 215 como dice ahi.....en la misma vuelta que los terceros.

eso era
S3 licensed
Nombre Team: CHILE 1
Auto: FXR

Last edited by vinsu, . Reason : se cayeron los demas pilotos..ojala se pueda todavia
S3 licensed
hola a todos, primero felicitaciones a todos los corredores, se logro hacer un evento de categoria con muy buenos pilotos. Felicitaciones al podio, logramos meter por lo menos a uno de los nuestros ahí arriba. Bueno, nosotros como equipo teniamos el ritmo para andar peleando los primeros lugares pero lamentablemente Felipe Malhue tuvo problemas con VTR (ojo bruno, las chuchadas no iban contra tu equipo, sino contra el proveedor de inet de aca de chile, tu lo sabes), que sufrió 2 desconexiones, con lo que quedamos sin ninguna posibilidad. La verdad es que quedamos picados y lo único que queremos es que se haga un evento así lo antes posible, para sacarnos la espina jajajaja, claro que Malhue tendria que cambiar de proveedor jejeje.

ya chicos, felicitaciones a todos, buen trabajo se mandaron y especialmente los agradecimientos a DFS, te las mandaste.
