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S2 licensed
I say it in spanish because the programmer is form Spain, sorry

Si algun dia te da por liberar el codigo.. dimelo que continuo interesado en mejorar el programa aunque sea poco a poco. Actualmente lo tengo como uso personal, ya que haga de "Ingeniero de pista" de algunos pilotos y va muy bien.

Un saludo
S2 licensed
I have solved it "THANKS" :rolleyes:
S2 licensed
I'm still trying to know how i can get propertythe MCI packets, because I set it,
I declare a variable :
String vel = "";
String nodo = "";

and I reqest it in "private void MCI_CarInformation" trying 2 diferent ways of convert it from 'ushort' to 'string'

vel = MCI.Info[1].Speed.ToString();
nodo = Convert.ToString(MCI.Info[1].Node);
catch (Exception EX)
MessageBox.Show("MCI - " + EX.Message);

Then I ask for it in "private void MSO_MessageOut"

case "vel":
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection(vel + " nodo " + nodo, MSO.UCID, 0);

And when i say "vel" in LFS, first the InSim says me "19 nodo 2".
When i say "vel" another time, the InSim says me "0 nodo 14457"

I have been looking in other codes like cruises (cause they use LFS External too) and i have tried to put it with the same structure and it doesn't work
S2 licensed
Quote from Blub :you should try

Thanks, it works, but the insim crashes sometime .

When it works, it only shows the number "19" an it doesn't move. If I'm at 200 km/h and then open the insim, it shows the number "19" too.

I have cheked with Insim Sniffer that if only my car is in the track, it always got the value 1 in MCI.PLID

The code now:

textBoxSpeed.Text = MCI.Info[1].Speed.ToString();

In the insim flags i have the MCI flags activated

InSimSettings Settings = new InSimSettings("", 29999, 0, Flags.InSimFlags.ISF_MSO_COLS | Flags.InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | Flags.InSimFlags.ISF_NLP, '!', 2, "****", "^3LFS External", 5);

Some info:
LFS 0.5Z28
S2 licensed
Quote from herki :Is the .Text property writeable? You might need to call a method like .setText() or something.

Yes, it is property writeable doing that, i have asigned a one of the textbox that i have the value of for example the tyre comound

This thextbox in the MSO packet:

//Vaciar los campos (clear the textbox after write it)
textBoxTyreFL.Text = "";
textBoxTyreFR.Text = "";
textBoxTyreRL.Text = "";
textBoxTyreRR.Text = "";
//Compuestos de las ruedas. (Tyrecompund)
textBoxTyreFL.Text += Players[0].Tyre_FL;
textBoxTyreFR.Text += Players[0].Tyre_FR;
textBoxTyreRL.Text += Players[0].Tyre_RL;
textBoxTyreRR.Text += Players[0].Tyre_RR;

and it works, so the .Text is property writeable.

Quote from herki :
Also, did you test if MCI.Info[0].Speed actually has a value assigned?

I don't know how check that, maybe with the Insim Sniffer i can check it . But i suposed that if only my car is runing, the value 0 can be my car for test if code works.
Speed in Windows Forms TextBox
S2 licensed
How can I output the speed of a player in a TextBox?


I tried with:

textBoxSpeed.Text = Convert.ToString(MCI.Info[0].Speed);

and nothing appears into the textbox

I have tried too:

textBoxSpeed.Text = MCI.Info[0].Speed;

and it said "No se puede convertir implícitamente el tipo 'ushort' a 'string' (CS0029)"
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :


good picture thread people
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) : Shadowww
No longer welcome


I fell bad about ut but..

Yeahhh finaly!! LOL

Finaly he stop troll and doing stupid responses to programer questions
S2 licensed
Very good project.
It's funny and exciting drive fast near the barriers, i feel similar as if i were in a rally stage
S2 licensed
I'm working since 2 months in a project called KRR.
It is a insim that auto detect the other cars, analyze them, change the pit strategy automaticaly, speak for give me info without read it in the chat, detect police near if i'm in a cruise,... and another lots of things.

I'm looking for improve it with auto-driving like the LFS IA, but that i can change the driving line if i found a better way for go faster, but I'm not working in it now.

Sorry for the bad english
Bug - Dashboard RPM indicator disappears
S2 licensed
I was playing in the [CAD] Destruction Derby and after a crahs my RPM indicator disappears .

I think that it can be produced by a deformation bug. Here you have the Screenshot and the MPR. (Driver: Kassad - LFS Username: KassadGLA )

LFS Version: Z28

MPR URL for downloads:


EDIT: Sorry, can anyone put this thread in BUG - Cars? Thanks
Last edited by KassadGLA, . Reason : Move thread
S2 licensed
Quote from cashielg :hey when ever i tr to start it it says that the password is not the same as host but it is! plz reply soon thnxs

be sure that it is the same or edit it in the form1
S2 licensed
I have programed a cruise with Dalmako and i can imagine the answer of the other cruise developers (almost my opinion is this)... No. Because a cruise i think that it doesn't have price
S2 licensed
Thanks! I really need it.

I only have one question... how do you output this data? I'm interested in know how.
S2 licensed
Quote from kaynd :Search the words "torque graph" in this forum.

LFS cars dynocharts here

ok, thanks. I have searched for it but i didn't found this thread
Torque & Power
S2 licensed
How can I get the Power and Torque graphs of all the lfs cars?

S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Is this normal?

i can't see nothing strange in that screenshot
S2 licensed
Thanks! Testing...
S2 licensed
I work with it and finally i think that i prefer iTracker... but good tool
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
OMG, the stereoscopic gif images look very well. I will try doing one
S2 licensed
Quote from Makao :Strange bug, I was driving on Fox Junkies and there was track change. In menu was written AS3 so I changed set, but then after restart I was the only one on FE3 (previous track) and after few corners I was spectated by server. I saved MPR, but there I am driving somewhere in the universe and the other drivers are driving on AS3.


one friend have the same problem :-/ . He was playing in one track of AS and when the server changed to AS3 he still running on the other track of AS
S2 licensed
Quote from burnsy1882 :Ah yes, their telemetry program. That could be a possibility. First, I need to actually start rewriting the program, as it's not as close to the real one as I would like it to be. Then second, I would have to find out what format the data would have to be for it to be imported into the i2 software. So, we'll see.

ok, thanks and sorry for the late answer
S2 licensed
good aplication.. but.. i want use MoTeC for review telemetry

S2 licensed
yeah! thanks