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S2 licensed

I have a problem with the !ps command.
My LFSLapper won't receive the info from the internet..
I entered my pubstat key in LFSLapper, so it can't be that.

Is there something I missed?
Alle lines give '0' in the !ps window.

Thanks in advance!

S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :I think one big file language (.lg),for LFSLapper.lpr, and language file included in all other script because there are smaller. It's not good to have many file, and it's not good to have big file. We can try to have a mixed, two file ( script + language ) for big script and one for smaller script.

OK, so I'm going to make a LFSLapper.lg and a includes.lg for all other files with 'Lang' sections?
The LFSLapper.lg is coming in the bin directory and the includes.lg file is coming in the includes directory. Is this right?

If this is right, I think I will post it next weekend.

S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :hello,

Yes it's a good idea to have a language file for LFSLapper.lpr, maybe it's also a good idea that this file have the same name as original file but with an another extension. "LFSlapper.lg". In this case, it's more easy to localize lang file for a specific .lpr file.

You have to include

include( "./includes/LFSLapper.lg");

But for small file script, it's not an obligation

You are also rigth when you say, item lang must be prefixed with file basename.
"driftdef_" for driftDef.lpr
"winnerflags_" for winnerflags.lpr
and so on

But i'am writing doc for now and i don't have time. your help was a good thing. ( last script file are in )



Is it OK with you if I realise this idea and post it in here? (or in another threat? you can say..!)

Do you mean you want to have a LFSLapper.lg and also a driftDef.lg, winnerflags.lg and so on.. or just one file, LFSLapper.lg with all 'Lang' sections in it?
I think the second is the best, because you can have all language codes in one file.
It is also possible to make a language file for every language; LFSLapper_en.lg(or LFSLapper.en), LFSLapper_fr.lg, LFSLapper_nl.lg and so on.. or is this too overdone? (I think it maybe is xD)

If you agree I will fix the lang bases also. (main_..., driftmeter_..., winnerflag_...) In the language section aswell in the script.

Include a language file
S2 licensed

I have an practical idea which is pretty easy to realise.

Now we have allready 4 languages for LFSLapper and more to come, the LFSLapper.lpr file is going to be very large. I thought it might be good to remove the 'Lang ".."' sections out of LFSLapper.lpr and replace it for
include( "./includes/languages.lpr");

Then put the 'Lang".."' section in the languages.lpr files.

It might be good to implement the 'Lang' sections of the files such as driftDef.lpr and driftmeter.lpr.
To make the language.lpr file easy to edit, I think the language entries of the files must not be main_...., but for driftDef.lpr, driftdef_.....

I'd like to hear your opinion about this.
If you like the idea Gai, but you don't have time for it, i can do it for you and send it


S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Thank you very much, added to Release you can download it.


Thanks Gai! I hope many people will benefit of this feature!

Quote from DenonForce14 :Im having some trouble with the translation. It worked for a while, but then i got a message that a files misses, at pits, welcome message misses, and everything. I don't understand...

Be sure you end every line with ";
If you fogot one, from then on it will give a error like lang id not found, or something like that..

If you can't find the problem, you can always post the languge section in this threat so other people can help you out

Good luck with it!

Dutch Language ("NL") for LFSLapper v5.919
S2 licensed
Dutch Language for LFSLapper v5.919. Language ID = NL.

File: LFSlapper.lpr
Lang "NL" # NL Lang made by $!N-Tim (emit-nl)
main_welc1 = "^7Welkom {0} ^7op een ^1LFSLapper ^7server!%nl%^2Typ ^7!help ^2na het verlaten van de garage om commando's te zien.";
main_welc2 = "^7Je plaats in het serverklassement is: ^7{0}%nl%^2Je huidige plaats in de voorkwalificatie: {1}^6Geschatte pool: {2}%nl%Spreek Engels en let op je taalgebruik!%nl%Respecteer andere spelers%nl%Zo niet, kun je verbannen worden";
main_accept = "Accepteren";
main_deny = "Weigeren";
main_speedtrap = "Gemeten snelheid = {0} {1}";
main_gotlevel = "^3Jouw niveau is: {0}";
main_swear11 = "^1Let op het taalgebruik!";
main_swear12 = "Nog ^3{0} ^8pogingen en dan moet je toekijken.";
main_swear21 = "Te veel verkeerd taalgebruik, kijk toe";
main_nomatchflag = "Vlaggen komen niet overeen";
main_yourflag = "Jouw vlaggen -> {0}";
main_requiredflag = "Benodigde vlaggen -> {0}" ;
main_spectated = "Kijk Toe";
main_notadmin = "Je bent geen Administrator!";
main_currnode = "Je huidige baanpositie is: {0}";
main_currzone = "Je huidige coördinaten zijn: {0}";
main_lapclose = "LFSLapper is afgesloten door een Administrator!";
main_ban = "{0} heeft {1} ^8verbannen";
main_kick = "{0} heeft {1} ^8gekickt";
main_friendpos = "Je huidige plaats in het serverklassement is: {0}";
main_groupqual = "Je huidige plaats in de groepkwalificatie is: {0}";
main_level = "^3Je hebt de volgende niveau(s): {0}";
main_dist = "Afstand afgelegd met de {0} op {1} = {2} {3}. Deze sessie = {4} {5}";
main_lapdone = "Rondes gedaan met {0} op {1} = {2}. Deze sessie = {3}";
main_timeinpit = "Tijd in pits = {0}";
main_trackused = "Huidige baan: {1} ({0})";
main_serverclock = "Tijd op deze server: {0}";
main_midnight = "Waarschuwing voor alle mensen met een baan! Het is middernacht!";
main_newyear = "Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar!";
main_allowed = "{0}^3 is toegestaan op deze server";
main_notallowed = "{0}^3 is niet toegestaan op deze server";
main_tolowhand1 = "{0}^3 moet toekijken vanwege een te laag ingestelde handicap";
main_tolowhand2 = "^3Benodigd: {0}kg toegevoegde massa en {1}% luchtinlaat beperking!";
main_vote_restart1 = "Herstart:";
main_vote_restart2 = "({0}/{1}) Nog {2} nodig";
main_vote_qualify1 = "Qualify";
main_vote_qualify2 = "({0}/{1}) Nog {2} nodig";
main_vote_end1 = "Einde:";
main_vote_end2 = "({0}/{1}) Nog {2} nodig";
main_car_changed = "Toegestane auto's veranderd, ga in pits! Huidige auto = {0}";
main_track_changed1 = "Baan veranderd, een ogenblik geduld!";
main_track_changed2 = "Huidige baan = {0}";
main_left_server = "{0} ^7heeft de server verlaten";
main_great1 = "Geweldige 1e split ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_good1 = "Goede 1e split ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_great2 = "Geweldige 2e split ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_good2 = "Goede 2e split ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_great3 = "Geweldige 3e split ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_good3 = "Goede 3e split ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_greatlap = "Geweldige ronde ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_goodlap = "Goede ronde ({0}) door {1}^8!";
main_help1 = "^2Lijst met commando's";
main_help = "^2Algemene commando's"
. "%nl%^3!myconfig ^8Configureer lapper"
. "%nl%^3!mypb ^8Jouw PB lijst op LFSWorld"
. "%nl%^3!ps ^8Jouw pub stat info of !ps UserName voor iemand anders"
. "%nl%^3!who ^8Stats van aanwezige spelers"
. "%nl%^3!top ^8[beginpositie] [3-letterige autonaam] [patroon]"
. "%nl%^3!drf ^8[beginpositie] [3-letterige autonaam] [patroon]"
. "%nl%^3!stats ^8[spelerspartoon]"
. "%nl%^3!dstats ^8[spelerspatroon]"
. "%nl%^3!near ^8Het serverklassement met 14 racers om jou heen"
. "%nl%^3!spb ^8Split tijden en TPB (Theoretische PB)"
. "%nl%^3!razspb ^8Start een nieuwe spb sessie (bv bij veranderen van auto)"
. "%nl%^3!track ^8Naam van de huidige baan"
. "%nl%^3!time ^8Tijd op de server"
. "%nl%^3!ver ^8Versie van LFSLapper"
. "%nl%"
. "%nl%^2Speciale commando's voor competitie's"
. "%nl%^3!topqual ^8Positie tussen racers die vermeld zijn op een *.flt file"
. "%nl%^3!statsqual ^8Huidige positie in voorkwalificatie"
. "%nl%"
. "%nl%^2Nieuwe functies"
. "%nl%^3!laps ^8Totaal aantal rondes + aantal rondes in sessie"
. "%nl%^3!hand ^8Handicap toegewezeg door de administrator"
. "%nl%^3!pit ^8Totale tijd in pit stop"
. "%nl%^3Shift+i ^8Configureer de berichten van lapper"
. "%nl%^3!closepb ^8Sluit het pitboard tijdelijk"
. "%nl%^3!config ^8Configureer het pitboard"
. "%nl%^3!ctrack ^8GUI voor het veranderen van de baan (alleen admin)"
. "%nl%^3!pitwindow ^8Laat huidige pitwindow(s) zien"
. "%nl%^3!pwgui ^8Pitwindow GUI (alleen admin)"
. "%nl%^3!sc ^8Safetycar GUI (alleen admin)";
main_flood = "{0}^3 is gekickt vanwege flooding";
main_on_result = "Finish positie = {0}";
main_lost_control = "^1Gevaar! ^8{0} ^2verloor controle!";
main_toslow1 = "je bent te traag! Max : {0}";
main_toslow2 = "kick na {0}";
main_toslowvery1 = "Je bent erg traag, kijk toe!";
main_toslowvery2 = "{0} ging te traag, kijkt toe!";
main_idle1 = "^3Je bent inactief. Over 10 seconden moet je toekijken" ;
main_idle2 = "^3Je moet toekijken omdat je inactief bent";
main_onnewpb = "Nieuw PB door {0}^8 ({1}): {2}";
main_onnewpb_rank = "Positie : {0}";
main_onnewpb_sesslaps = "Rondes tijdens deze sessie = {0}";
main_onnewpb_servlaps = "Totaal aantal rondes op deze server = {0}";
main_onnewpb_avgspeed = "Gemiddelde snelheid: {0}{1}";
main_onnewpb_rank2 = "Positie op de server met de {0}: ^7{1}";
main_onnewpbqual = "Competitie - Nieuwe QT door {0}^8:{1}";
main_onnewpbqual_rank = "Positie in het serverklassement: ^7{0}";
main_onnewpbqual_pos = "^2Positie in kwalificatie: {0}";
main_onnewpbqual_pool = "^6Werkelijke Pool: {0}";
main_onnewpbqual_avgspeed = "Gemiddelde snelheid: {0}{1}";
main_onnewpbqual_posqual = "{0} ^2Positie:{1} - Pool:{2}";
main_accel = "^8Accelereerde in ^3{0}^8 seconden naar {1} {2}!";
main_notpitwindow = "{0} ^1Je bent niet in je pitwindows, allowed in {1}-{2}";
main_inpitwindows = "{0} ^1Je mag nu een pitstop maken";
main_outpitwindows = "{0} ^1Je mag nu geen pitstop maken";
main_beginpit = "{0}^8 maakt een pitstop";
main_pitwork = "Pitstop begint! Werk:{0}";
main_fastdrivepitl1_1 = "{0}^1 Waarschuwing! Te hard in de pits";
main_fastdrivepitl1_2 = "^1Let op! Gekickt worden is mogelijk!" ;
main_fastdrivepitl2_1 = "{0}^1 Je reed te hard in de pits. Kijk toe";
main_fastdrivepitl2_2 = "^1Nog ^3{0} ^1keer voordat je gekickt wordt" ;
main_maxfastdrivepit1 = "{0}^1 is gekickt voor te hard rijden in pits";
main_maxfastdrivepit2 = "^1JE BENT GEKICKT!";
main_maxreset = "{0} moet toekijken vanwege te veel wagenresets";
main_oncarreset = "Wagen gereset door {0} in ronde {1}";
main_specwarn = "^1Let op! Te veel wagenresets betekend toekijken";
main_resetrest = "^2Je hebt nog ^3{0} ^2wagenresets over";
main_close = "Sluiten";
main_psdistance = "^7Afstand: ^2{0} ^7{1}";
main_psfuel = "^7Gebruikte brandstof: ^2{0} ^7Liter ";
main_pslaps = "^7Gereden rondes: ^2{0}";
main_pswins = "^7Gewonnen: ^2{0}";
main_pssecond = "^7Tweede: ^2{0}";
main_psthird = "^7Derde: ^2{0}";
main_psfinished = "^7Aantal Races gefinisht: ^2{0}";
main_psquals = "^7Aantal Kwalificaties gedaan: ^2{0}";
main_pspole = "^7Aantal Poles: ^2{0}";
built_pos = "Pos";
built_grp = "Grp";
built_car = "Auto";
built_track = "Baan";
built_nick = "NickName";
built_pb = "Pb";
built_split = "Split";
built_splits = "Splits";
built_points = "Punten";
built_nolfspb = "LFS World PB nog niet ontvangen";
built_nolfspbcrit = "Geen LFS World PB voor deze criteria";
built_lapsdone = " Gereden rondes";
built_hand_nick = "^3{0}^9 handicap:";
built_hand_curr = " - Toegevoegde massa: {0}Kg - Luchtinlaat beperking: {1}%";
built_hand_req = " - Benodigd: {0}^9 {1}Kg toegevoegde massa - Luchtinlaat beperking: {2}%";

File: defPitInfo.lpr
Lang "NL" # NL Language made by $!N-Tim (emit-nl)
main_before = "Voor: ";
main_behind = "Achter: ";
main_split1 = "^7SP1: {0} {1}({2})%nl%^7TPB:{3}";
main_split2 = "^7SP2: {0} {1}({2})%nl%^7TPB:{3}";
main_split3 = "^7SP3: {0} {1}({2})%nl%^7TPB:{3}";
main_splitlast = "^7SPL: {0} {1}({2})%nl%^7TPB:{3} Avg:{4}{5}";
main_endpit = "{0}^8 verliet de pits in {1}";
main_endpitpriv = "Pitstop gedaan in {0} - Totale Pit: {1}";
main_brake = "^3Rem optijd, alsjeblieft!";

File: driftdef.lpr
Lang "NL" # NL Language made by $!N-Tim (emit-nl)
main_newdriftpb = "{0}^3 heeft een nieuwe PB: ^7{1} ^3pts!";
main_driftlap = "{0} ^3heeft ^7{1} ^3pts gedrift";
main_ondriftscore = "Score: ^7{0} ^3{1}";
main_ongooddrift = "{0} ^3maakte een geweldige drift: ^7{1} ^3pts";
main_drifttolow = "{0}^3 is gediskwalificeerd";

File: driftmeter.lpr
Lang "NL" # NL Language made by $!N-Tim (emit-nl)
driftmeter_TDSM = "^7Hoe drift ik?";
driftmeter_TDSM0 = "^8Hoe drift ik?";
driftmeter_TDSM1 = "^0Dat was niks..";
driftmeter_TDSM2 = "^2Dat was matig";
driftmeter_TDSM3 = "^3Dat was oke";
driftmeter_TDSM4 = "^4Dat was goed";
driftmeter_TDSM5 = "^5Dat was erg goed";
driftmeter_TDSM6 = "^6Dat was geweldig";
driftmeter_TDSM7 = "^7Dat was fantastisch";
driftmeter_TDSM8 = "^8Dat was helemaal te gek!";
driftmeter_TDSM9 = "^1Dat was SUPERB!!";
driftmeter_driftbarelyadequate = "^3Bijna geen drift skills";
driftmeter_driftadequate = "^3Matige drift skills";
driftmeter_driftgood = "^4Goede drift skills";
driftmeter_driftsuperb = "^5Geweldige drift skills";
driftmeter_driftoutrageous = "^6Fantastische drift skills";
driftmeter_driftinsane = "^7Helemaal te gekke drift skills!";
driftmeter_driftroyalty = "^0DRIT ROALITY!";
driftmeter_driftgod = "^1Je bent een officiële%nl%^1! DRIFTING GOD !";
driftmeter_driftnotworthy = "^0Wij zijn het ^1NIET ^0waard!";
driftmeter_mylogo = "^1Zet jouw logo hier"; # Change message between quote marks to suit
driftmeter_driftanglebox = "^3< ^7{0}";
driftmeter_driftangleboxtext = "^8Drift Hoek:";
driftmeter_driftangleboxtextangle = "^1o";
driftmeter_driftanglerevbox = "^7{0} ^2>";
driftmeter_driftcombotext = "^7{0}";
driftmeter_driftcomboboxtext = "^8Combo Score:";
driftmeter_driftcomboboxtexttop = "^2Totale Drift Score ^3in deze ronde: ^7{0}";
driftmeter_driftcomboboxtexttopmessage = "^3Absolute%nl%^1rotzooi ^3drift..";
driftmeter_driftcomboboxtexttopmessage2 = "^3Geweldige drift";
driftmeter_driftscoretext = "^1+ ^7{0}";
driftmeter_driftscoreboxtext = "^8Deze Score:";
driftmeter_drifttolow = "{0}^3 is gediskwalificeerd";
driftmeter_driftlap = "{0} ^3drifte naar^7{1} ^3pts";
driftmeter_newdriftpb = "{0}^3 heeft een nieuw PB: ^7{1} ^3pts!";
driftmeter_ongooddrift = "{0} ^3maakte een hele nette drift: ^7{1} ^3pts";

File: safetycar.lpr

There is no 'Lang ".."' section in this file.

File: winnerflags.lpr
Lang "NL" # NL Language made by $!N-Tim (emit-nl)
winflag_title1 = "^1Winnaar";
winflag_title2 = "^1Tweede plaats";
winflag_title3 = "^1Derde plaats";
winflag_title4 = "^1Vierde plaats";
winflag_title5 = "^1Vijfde plaats";

I think you can use the word LEADERBOARD in Dutch too, because I think there isn't any good fitting word for it in Dutch. If you want a word anyways, you could choose: 'WEDSTRIJD BORD'.

I hope there are more languages coming soon and I hope I helped many LFSLapper users today. If there are any errors, feel free to say it!! There were some things in the help menu of LFSLapper which I don't know if they are good..

I'd love to see the Dutch language added to LFSLapper by Gai-Luron in the next release

Good luck, all translators! Make your country part of LFSLapper!!
It was a pleasure to do this for this great program!

S2 licensed
Aah, ok! Now I understand.
S2 licensed
Yeah! I love you
Haha, joking..

Great feature Gai! Diddn't know it existed allready.
S2 licensed
Quote from Krayy :Also, does this means that anyone who creates an addon will need to add definitions for all languages that are supported.

I'm affraid it does. But you could paste the english language in all language sections.. So you will have Lang "NL" or Lang "FR", but inside it is just english..

But.. maybe there is another solution..
Is it possible to make such a thing like:
IF Lang "NL" does not exist --> THEN use Lang "EN"?

I think I will post the Lang "NL" in a few hours..
S2 licensed
Thanks Gai-Luron!
I was wondering.. is it better/faster to use LFSLapper in UDP mode?

Thanks for the update, it fixes a few nice features!
Dutch language finished!
S2 licensed
Hi everyone!

I just finished my translation of LFSLapper v5.918 to the Dutch language!
I have not tested it yet, but I will do that tomorrow. Maybe there are some bugs in the language or some text that is to long, so I've got to test that first before I post it.

Tomorrow I hope post it in this thread!

Just to keep you informed!

Last edited by emit-nl, .
S2 licensed
thanks! I will use your solution for now.
Thanks for correcting the bug soon!

S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :
Please advise what the 2 letter abbreviation should be used for your language, eg EN(glish), FR(ench), so that other people will know what is meant.

I understand, but I think The Netherlands has an exeption on this rule.
We live in the Netherlands, but we speak Dutch.. I have no idea why this is.. In Belgium they speak 2 languages, Dutch and French.

So the language for the Netherlands is Dutch, but the short form is NL.
This is the official form. Don't ask me why, but it is true xD

All people in The Netherlands and in Belguim will know what is meant

So it's going to be Lang "NL".

I'm allready half ways!



PS: Some include .lpr files do not have a Lang ".." section. I've only seen it in driftmeter.lpr. It would be great if every include .lpr file had a language section! Then we can translate the whole lapper in every language!
Last edited by emit-nl, . Reason : PS: --&gt;includes .lpr&lt;--
S2 licensed

I'm having a little problem with LFSLapper v.5.918.

I was trying to copy the databases from my current server, which is online with v.5.844, to my test server with v.5.918.
When I join my test server and type !top, the menu will show up and at first sight it looks OK. But when you look to the 'Splits' section, only the last split is shown.

In v.5.844 all splits were shown. Could anyone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance,

S2 licensed
Nice! I'm planning to make it in Dutch (NL).
I will post it here when I'm done

I'm also planning to make a advanced menu for LFSLapper, but that's gonna taka a while I think!

Last edited by emit-nl, .
S2 licensed
Nice!! I'm gonna test it on my server first thing tomorrow

Thanks for this add-on!

S2 licensed
Lol, cool!
It just is a good song for lining up with a movie
Sinsanity Promotion Video
S2 licensed
Hi everyone!

Recently we have released a promotion video for the Sinsanity team.

The video can be seen on Youtube ( and also on the 'Media' page of our website (
We recommend to watch the video in HD!

We hope you like it! Please comment


Tim - Sinsanity Team Manager
Last edited by emit-nl, .
Screen resolution
S2 licensed

I'd like to report a small bug. My screen has a resolution of 1920x1080
So I have set the resolution of LFS to 1920x1080 / 60Hz.
When I run LFS Z18 in full screen, everything went fine.
But when I put it into windowed mode, I will get black stokes at the left and right side of the screen.

The problem with the strokes will occur when: starting LFS, in the menu and when spectating in an online host.
When you join the race, the screen is back to normal.

I included a screenshot to make it more clear.


Tim - Sinsanity Team Manager

by the way; I think it would be really cool if LFS dedicated host gets a server option to allow only [default] setup of a certain car.
Then it will be possible to race with each other on skills, and not on the quallity of your setup.
Last edited by emit-nl, .
IS_MTC - could not find destination
S2 licensed
I get the same message as Yisc[NL]; IS_MTC - could not find destination.
But I don't get this message when i stop LFSLapper.. but I get it when a player leaves the server..

I can see this in the server:
player disconnected << lfs host message
IS_MTC - could not find destination << lfs host message
player left the server << main_left_server message from lapper

I don't understand what you said to Yisc[NL], could you explain this to me? It is not a hard error, but I like to know why it is and if I can fix this?



Quote from Gai-Luron :
this msg is because i cut a little hardly Lapper server, but this no cause problem.
Do you take a look to the translation mode. If you have time to add it to your Scripts . Then i wrote french translation. Translation section must be in you script file it's better. Prefix each key with your own prefix to avoid conflict to other translation.
Ex: if you need a not allowed message in your pitboard script

notallowed = "You are not allowed";
better with
pitboard_notallowed = "You are not allowed";



Maybe I have found the reason of the message..
After that a player disconnects the server, the host says something like 'player disconnected'.
Thereafter lapper says 'player has left'.

From an other programmer I heard this message is something like; lapper wants to say something about the person who left, but he is allready gone..
I think thats why the error message is there.

I think i put a # before the lines that are meaned for the 'has left messages', because it only says again what the host allready said.
(host says 'player disconnected' and lapper says 'player has left'.. so the 2 messages are exactly the same meaning i think)

If I'm wrong with my thoughts about the error messages, I'd like to hear it from you

Sorry if my English isn't that good btw!

Tim - Sinsanity racing team
Last edited by emit-nl, . Reason : Possible reason?
[$!N] Sinsanity team has started
S2 licensed
Today a new team started. Sinsanity!
For some information, please go to this thread:

You can also visit our website:

We like to see you soon on our forum or in our servers!
[$!N] Sinsanity racing team
S2 licensed

Another team is starting. Our team is called Sinsanity and it's tag is $!N.
We are a Dutch team that likes to drive responsible and as realistic as possible. When we race with each other we like to use the same setup because we don’t want to let the setup win, but we like to race on our own skills.

Our team is starting again since we were gone for a long time. We are making a total fresh start and are launching 3 servers and a totally new designed website. The website is You can see the status of our servers, racers status, team info, media, downloads and we also have a nice forum. The names of the servers are: $!N – DemoServer, $!N – RaceServer, $!N – TeamServer.

Our team consists out of the following people:
$!N–Tim race number: 15 Rank: Racer, Manager
$!N–Seafalcon race number: 93 Rank: Racer, Co-Manager
$!N–Stig race number: 13 Rank: Racer
$!N–Dorian race number: 04 Rank: Racer
$!N–Fernon race number: 16 Rank: Racer
$!N–Bounce race number: 08 Rank: Racer

Recently we have made a promotion video for the team.
You can watch it here, we hope you like it!

We hope to see you on our forums or on one of our servers!

The Sinsanity Team
Last edited by emit-nl, . Reason : adding link to Sinsanity Promotion Video