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S2 licensed
i want it originaly as a passat (If can lights to) i want a passat tag on the back with TDI

roundels dunno wats that word ? xD
Wana passat skin :) please look
S2 licensed
Can anyone make a skin of a passat as a road car? on FXO? please !!!
Last edited by deiwisxxx, .
S2 licensed
I find this post and i am asking SOMEONE to make a skin For XRT - XRG as a Corrado Volkswagen
Normal cars
S2 licensed
BMW e36
Golf 4
VW Passat 1.8T
Subaru Impreza WRX STi
Citroen AX 1.0
S2 licensed
I like making tracks to.

We are here to help
I have
S2 licensed
Hi there
I am making rally cross layouts like in ASTON track
make a layout of Tarmac and grass is that what you want?

Give me your MSN i will give to you
Last edited by deiwisxxx, .
S2 licensed
Wauld be nice to have GTR but i dont think they will do it........
Ivlo the BEST
S2 licensed
[AA] name: Duffis
LFS Licence: S2
Time zone: +0
Location: UK
Preferred day: any day after 6pm uk time
Same as woox
S2 licensed
I agree with that i would like to see them in new patch
S2 licensed
i did things in instruction but......... i only see

- Start LFS with the shortcut
- When LFS is started you will see these lines in the upper left corner

Welcome to Analog Gauges by mb redruM"
Press strg + pos1 to save positions
Press strg + End to load positions
Press strg + Up-Down-Left-Right to move Gauges
Press strg + PgUp-PgDown to cycle Gauges
in game but i dont see any gauges?
S2 licensed
Thats only DDS files i want a program ........
S2 licensed
anyone knows abaut wat program do you use to get gauges on LFS
S2 licensed
............... wat mods do u use for ur self?
S2 licensed
this is not a program this is the actual gauge but i need a program to and i was serching for one.
S2 licensed
it dose not say how to install
LIke this gauge
S2 licensed

i want this one but wat program do i use to put it in LFs and how ? you know? help plz
S2 licensed
wat do you mean i seen it on youtube

ok do you know wat programs do i use to put new gauges in to LFs
S2 licensed
I was looking at it but its seem nothig because it dose not say wat program do you use or a link to download it
S2 licensed
I have seen on youtube a PSP with is used as a gauge and i have a PSP and i want to use it as a gauge to how can i do it wat do i need to download?
OMG sorry
S2 licensed
i was only waiting long well not long but i so want to get it in to my PSP plz help me ? i guess u do the same if you need it
S2 licensed
HI guys i did not finde anything abaut a PSP gauge i only seen its on youtube
can anbody tell me wat programs do i use to instal psp as a gauge plz tel me all abaut ir poste links to download

PLZ help me

First, connect your PSP to PC via wifi to see Windows Desktop on your PSP, you need programs that I don't remember, later try some program like sim-tools to see Gauges.

i conect my psp but wats the pint tell me if i dont know wat programs to use and were to get them

anybody help me ?

Last edited by the_angry_angel, . Reason : Lets not spam please.
S2 licensed
I dont mind i just want you to keep adding pics in here of FBM AirAttack
S2 licensed
thnx jakbot
S2 licensed
I will upload the pics and LYT another day because server is int working right