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Lets start again shall we?
S2 licensed

First things first:

My RIG:-

ZX Spectrum
48K mem
15in Black+White TV
Tape Recorder (with tone control)
10,000 Tapes including Manic Miner and JetSet Willy.

There you go, a good old crap system (by todays standards) so I cant be bragging can I ????

Oh yea, I'm on £15 pounds a week as a Goverment Artist (which meens I DRAW the dole). I only expect the UK guys to get this comment.


Do the develepers of LFS take any interest in this Forum? If so, who decides on which tracks and cars are developed in the future?

Has any polling taken place in the past?

BTW, any slagging and i'll have YOU banned.LOL
S2 licensed
I think your missing the POINT Dave.

You started all the BS with your comments towards me.

LEAVE. No mate.

All i wanted to do was let you guys know what I was Simming with???? So what??? Every IT forum im a memeber of share this type of details and YOU mofo had to start with all the BS.

Get in your VIRTUAL car and F&*& off.


BTW, the salary keeps being mentioned because I'm hoping its going to annoy you dude. And it worked a treat.

Whats next a BAN for sharing my RIG details.

F&*&ing JOKE, never witnesed such BS in my life.
S2 licensed
Oh your so funny. Hohoho. I'm glad I have my corsit on because my sides have split.

Is it because you can't drift that you feel the need totake the piss????
Try using your clutch as well as the hand brake.

Oh I'm sorry, you don't have a g25.
Configure the button on the end of your nose for a clutch.


S2 licensed
ha, the jokers on this forum are too much.

Here you go: iracing, iracking, iracein, iracer.

At the end of the day, you know what I'm talking about.

You no what, this thread stated out about nodding lfs. Then it turned into slagging session about me, my Salary and now my spelling.

If I was not thick-skinned I would cry. Boohoo. LOL.

Love you all.

P.s if I'm making mistakes, itbecause I'm post g using my iPhone.
S2 licensed
Sparky, its 12.99 for a months subsription and you get a small number of cars and tracks for what is quite simply the most complete Sim available.

Its costs a lot though (for extra tracks and cars), but if you buy a little each month like I'm going to do, then your sorted.

You wont understand what all the fuss is a bout until you buy that first months subscription.

Do it.
S2 licensed
Dude, when you play (sorry - DRIVE) iRacing, your know where that money is going.

Yes, LFS is top notch for a £25.00 one off payment, but iracing is in a different league. The courses are incredible and the sounds,models of the cars are truly awesome.

Give it a go for £12 ($19.99) per month, at least your know.

LFS is still the best POUND4POUND, but if you want the BEST there is, iracing is the one.
S2 licensed
OK, HERE it is.

LFS (up until 17:00 yesterday) was without doubt THE best Sim on the planet.

NOW ive been playing iRacer, its a whole different story.

BUT, considering the developers for LFS are not funded as well as the boys and girls at iracing, its still one of my favourit sims and will always have a slot in my Sim/gaming life.

Must admit, iracer is something to behold. Only trouble is, PRICE.

Even on my With a 1year subscription and all tracks and cars (including discounts), its close to £300 notes.

But I guess a little treat each month would be ok (1 car + 1 new track) considering the crap I could be buying on the shelfs at the moment. Last good racer for me was Forza2 on 360.

iRacer+Trackir5 = DREAM COME TRUE

S2 licensed
Moosee, whats silverstone and the mazda f1 car like??

What tracks and cars you payed for??

Mrning everyone..
S2 licensed
Moose, If the costings were right from the start - then yea, LFS would be in BIG trouble.

Nice to have both though.

Just think, when I get my BIG BONUS and BIG PAY increase I can afford every track and car in iRacer.LOL

You guys are too serious.


S2 licensed
You guys are making me laugh

Forget the RIG and the bullshit about my salary, its obviously being taken WAY OUT OF CONTEXT.

I mean, if I had said "YO I'm on a shit load", then yea I deserve a shafting. But I was just trying to get my point across that the other guy was flaming me for no reason, so i guessed "This guys jealous".


Anyway, I fired up iRacer and YEA, its AWESOME.

If you look at how much its going to cost in the long run, its a JOKE.

Nice but no worth £100+

Peace out brothers, your boring me now.LOL
S2 licensed
Thats ok then. Ive already been flammed once today for mentioning my Rig Specs in a
S2 licensed
Stang70fastback, thanks for the info.

I'm in two minds about Tripplehead2go??? Its either a 30in Dell, 30 inc Apple or 3x22in NEC at 1680x1050.

I had no idea this game was running under DX8 It looks sweet on my system and like you say, it runs on the older cards too.NICE.

I mainly want the 3 screens for Trackir (one2one mapping). I want to feel I'm totaly emmersed while playing. I played 3hrs today online with some nice German guys (they never flammed me down for having a nice rig.hahahah) and I've not had such fun since playing Project Gotham 3 online years back on

Very pleased with my S2 License.

But I must admit to signing up to iRacer tonight (no flaming please). Its what Ive always wanted and for £12 pounds per month, I think its a bargin. You could go and waste 24.99 tomorrow on GT5p and not have as much fun.

BTW, do you guys agree that PS3 GT5p has taken a step back since the awesome GT3 on PS2 ????

It aint what it used to be.

Oh well, time to practice my opostite
S2 licensed
Well, what a

So sorry a couple of people got the wrong idea about my Rig details, all the other IT sites I belong to announce there specs, its all part of the fun.

Anyway, your right about the Core i7 being better than the AMD chip, but I invested in AMD and tend to stick with it.

Although I was over at the iracing site today and they ALL seemed like nice people. So to say "I'm up for a 12 month subscription", would I be flamed down about my UBER salary again?? .LOL

BTW, I will subscribe to iRacing because it looks wicked - not because I can afford it. I remember the days when I could not even afford a 3.5 inch floppy to put Atari or AMIGA games on it, which is why I decided to work hard and get a good job in IT.

ramble,ramble ramble .......

Anyone here subscribed to iRacing ?

Looks good, but NO demo. I wonder why???
S2 licensed

Just because I decide to print my rig specs, doesn't mean I'm trying to show off or anything like that. Ive met many jealuos people in my life because I earn a high wage (because I work hard) but never met jealousy on a forum before.

Nevermind there's a first for everything.

Get a life or get a new graphics card. LOL.
S2 licensed
Never realized there was such snobery in sim racing. I've been playing games for 30 years and know nothing about how a car works, I just love the speed and frill that you get from car sims/games.

Does this mean I'll have to take my questions else where???

I've already been advised my rig is far too powerfull to gain any respect in my previous post. LOL.

Anyway, if people want to play, they will. And if it gets too tough, they will go back to playing outrun.
S2 licensed
Agree. The gameis crisp and has a nice draw distance with no pop-up.
Thanks to the guys in the configuration section I've managed to get the g25 biting on corners now. This has made a big difference and allows the physics to come through.

I'm very impressed for what a lic costs.

Just need more time to play now. LOL.
TrackIR5 and LFS
S2 licensed
GUYS, for people thinking of buying Track~IR4 or 5 for use with LFS, I can confirm TrackIR5 is the dogz.

Very nice profile and really adds to the game.

S2 licensed
Well it cost a fair bit, but considering my money could have been spent on booze and drugs, its money well spent

All in all, it cost around £1,500 pounds - over the last 18 months. This aint too bad considering the fun ive had.

GTX295 is overkill for this game, but I plan on going TrippleHead2GO with 3 screens for Xmas, so I needed the power to keep the all important 60fps

I love this game, now i have the config right it feels very nice.

Anyway, back on TOPIC

Will there be a DX10 patch ???
S2 licensed
Well BOB, I'm proud of my RIG - took ages to get it right, so I'm gona shout from the highest

Has anyone tried creating there own tracks for LFS ???

Or have the developers locked that down?
S2 licensed
Yea, like I said - quality control would be a full time job.

Would love to see a London Route and Birmingham Grand Prix route from the 1980's.

I must say, they workd hard for Trackir to work. Its really nice compared to the others.

You running Trackir ??
More Cars and Tracks PLEASE.
S2 licensed
Hello, this is my first post and may I say I LOVE LFS

RIGHT, why is it that such a popular SIM has only a few tracks and cars??

Don't get me wrong, these guys have built some quality stuff here, but why not open it up to the modding freaks????

I think LFS looks the best out of all the SIMS (rfactor,Race07 etc), so why not let those modders loose???

I would love to see more as long as the quality control was in place.

Here's my system anyway, incase your wondering what I'm running:

PII 940 BE (on air 3.6G)
CoolerMaster HAF
Vista 64
4GIG Corsair DOMMS
G15 Keyboard
G9 Mouse
Samsung T240 - 24inc Monitor

And every simm you can shake a wheel

LFS being my favourite for TrackIR5, its just soooo sweet.NICE.
