you are overseeing the marketing aspect here. Licenses for tracks and cars are most important in order to achieve what you said. If you don't believe me, ask random people if they'd rather drive ferrari in hockenheim or fxogtr in aston.
It's similiar to mmorpgs. Make one with a famous setting/story (lotr or star wars) and will sell itself without the need to offer more than others. Blizzard is of course an exception, because they had big hits with wc3 and diablo 1/2 people will buy everything they make.
after some time of running lfs my sound will turn off even during driving. I then have to hit strg+n 2 times to bring it back again.
Anyone knows what that is or is this an old one ?
hmm, I read the review and have to say, that this is almost exactly the impression I have got so far from LFS.
The text is ok, but the rating (imho) is rather unprofessional. It should be more detailed ratings (graphics, sound, physics ...), then an explanation what is put more emphasis on (physics 40%, graphics 30% ...) and what the single sections are compared to (better/worse than rfactor/gtr ...) and then make a overall rating, thats how it is usually done in tests. Just writing a number under a text does not help anyone because nobody knows, what a 'perfect 10' is for the reviewer.
I really hate Aston, but since it is a very popular track for the gtrs there is no way around it I guess. So I am looking to do competitive lap times on it with the fzr but I'm having a hard time.
Can you please tell me what downforce setting you use with the fzr on as3. I have tried the setup from setupfield with 5/9 and its complete overkill for me. I'm a bit pissed because everyone and their mother drives 1:43 on that track, only I am stuck with 1:44-1:45
It may improve the playability for the crashers but certainly not for those still on the track. After a crash, for whatever reason, you have no chance to catch up again, so what's the point in driving onto the track again ? I honestly see no difference if you sit on your arse and watch, or if you sit on your arse and continue driving out of competion.
Such a serversite option would also make it much more difficult for "professional" wreckers to do their nasty things, since they can only crash once and not destroy the whole race. I see only advantages for that option.
It could maybe be realised by setting the amount of new cars per racer, so you can allow everyone one new car per race, but not unlimited amount.
yes, I want to second that. I'm not a total-realism-freak but I find it disturbing if someone crashes, teleports to pit and gets a brand new car, then comes back out just in front of me and blocks me for half a lap before I can overtake him.
This is really a problem because in almost every race more than half of the racers will do that at least once, some do it every few seconds. I'm not against midrace-join, but if you crash your car, the race should be over for you and you should be forced to drive in the pit yourself and if you can't, forced to spectate.
At Blackwood before I enter the last corner before start/finish, when I read the message "xyz is leaving the pit", I'm always like "omg, please no !!" because I know he will enter the track exactly when I arrive at the hairpin corner apex.
well, that sounds weird, if I knew that someone is doing that, I would ram him for sure, just for the fun of it
Anyway, wheels are not supposed to take damage from force feedback effects and I can't imagin that it did. Maybe it just got a bit soft because of a long play session, that's what happens to my wheel when I play for a longer time. The resistance and ff effects become softer, when I let it rest for a while, its all normal again. Maybe try that.
It's really hard to catch up to the people who play for x years and have super-optimized setups. I was practicing quite a lot with the fzr on blackwood and on most servers there are still people who can go a whole second faster than me per lap. And I don't think there's much I can do about my lap time atm. I'm pretty much at the limit.
I'm really looking foward to those physics updates to come, they will make it a bit easier for newbies to catch up since everyone has to get used to them again.
uhm, there are filters for controllers and countries if I remember correctly.
I myself wouldn't even bother playing a racing game with keyboard. Yes, it requires more skill, so does eating soup with a shovel, but it does not make sense.
it's the game i played for the longest time ever, even were a beta tester for more than a year.
As for old game it's wizardry 6: the bane of the cosmic forge which I played for ages. I still could solve it, if I had to
isn't a licensed player automatically registered in the forum ? if so, you have 3800 forum members, excluding maybe 10-20% demo racers would be around 3000 licenses. Although that sounds like a bit too small number...
hey, will you stop bashing my driving technique
the pressure/camber thing worked, i can now do 30 lap races with 1 stop on blackwood with the fzr.
I can't win them however, cause I always make mistakes when I have a slower car in front of me. The car in front makes a mistake (just as I wanted) and instead of using this I make the same mistake because I'm so focussed on him. But thats not a tyre problem I guess
AS National however eats my tyres in no time. Don't know how to make tyres last 15 laps there.
I contacted logitech and they will send me a new pedal unit, so I opened mine to repair them, and guess what - they are already revision b pedals, so the ones with the steel potentiometers.
I thought that might be of interest for those, who intend to buy a dfp and think the spiking problem is past with the new pots. Prepare for trouble !
for the gtr cars I use flotchs setups, but they have the r2 tyres on them which last only 2 rounds. If I take r3 or r4 tyres, what other setup changes do I have to do or what do I have to be aware of. My goal is to make the setup go for 10 rounds without too much difference in the driving properties of the car.
Another newbie question for the f9 tyre screen: how do I see, when the tyres are worn out. I know that the colours show the temperature but how do I see the actual thickness ? What do the numbers above the grey bars indicate (60-60-60) ?
I like the races with fast cars more, but not because they are fast. Actually I find the gti much more fun to drive, but in races people tend to behave bad as far as I've seen so far. They try to overtake me as soon as are behind me by just braking later, although they are not necessarily faster. They just hope, that I will leave room for them in the corner so they can pass, which I will of course absolutely not. This mostly leads to kickvote spam and is not much fun because it is hard to end a race without being crashed.
In the fast cars people seem to be much more careful. I also think that pushing from behind to force a mistake is much better and much more real tactic to overtake (and safer too).
If you wanna play a football manager online, better play hattrick. It's a browser game, but with really good concept. It's very international, almost all languages are supported and has more than 600k players. I play for more than a year now.
Although it's very tough for newbies, once you get the hang on it, it's very addictive. It's also free, you don't get any advantage if you pay a supportership, just more community features. Maybe some of you play already, in almost any forum I find hattrick people :P
first of all, I have read the sticky thread and yes, I have the pedal bug happening to me though the wheel is only 3 weeks old.
I have further noticed that the steering axis of the wheel can be moved a little (not much, maybe 1mm) to the left and right, which makes a rattling sound (also for the ff effects). Can owners of the dfp please confirm (or not) that this is normal behavior cause if it isn't, I'm gonna return the whole thing. Otherwise I'm gonna return only the pedals.
I've seen the manuals with the potentiometer fix, but since the wheel is practically new, I don't want to open them for some halfbaked fixing and void my warranty.
yeah, with the gti I'm in group no. 1, with the xrg I'm in group no. 2 while with the fzr, I'm in group no. 3. In a race would be so focused to keep my car on the track, so no way I can watch out for other cars.
I have another technical question for the rwd's. As I can now drive constant laps with the xrg I'm still significiant slower comparing to the gti. The reason is obviously that I have to release throttle on each corner exit to avoid the oversteer of death. Watching the replays I see the guys keeping their foot fully on the pedal. So how do you do that ? tried it with excessive countersteering, but no good.
btw. I also tried bob's setups, but they're giving me a hard time when braking as they will oversteer with no chance of catching the car.
I haven't tried them yet, will do (when my frustration about the rwds is gone) maybe, but my problem is not the oversteering itself, but rather the fact, that (as I see it from watching replays) you _have_ to use those massively oversteering setups with the rwd cars to be fast. So that is what I was trying. It doesn't make sense to just drive those cars around the track when you have to change your driving style completely again in order to be fast.
Actually I can hotlap quite ok with them, got an 1:09:3x with the fzr (flotch's setup), but it seems, I have to deal with the fact, that 95% of my rounds end up in the wall, so no way I could ever do a race with them.
Well, today, when I started to drive I had a fall back in old times and drove 1:37 again But on the whole it's getting better I think ...
As for the rwd cars I have now completely given up on them and will leave them to others since I am obviously to stupid for them. Instead I will concentrate on the gti and a few others like the fxr.
Thanks again for all the tips, they helped me a lot together with the wiki help
wow, notanillusion's gti setup is really a good one, I now keep getting times between 1:35:34 and 1:35:77, very constantly without any crashes or invalid rounds ! I also had a 0:30:98 in the first split, which pretty close to sracers WR. With the xr I also had a 1:36 lap, but the real problem is to drive constant. That car behaves really unpredictable, I have times between 1:43 and 1:36 and crash every 4 rounds.
yeah, actually I know finished (released) games which were in worse condition. That wasn't meant as complaint for the game, but as complaint for the stupid xr It controls me but it should be the other way round.