The online racing simulator

League Information

The French League, also called by Frenchies the "Ligue FR", is a friendly league running since the earlier years of LFS on LFS France. It was originally founded by MT-Shark, and since 2008 it moved on the Gcomp plateform build by Gai-Luron, which is also know for his LFS Lapper. It has been managed and ran by many hoster/admins (Shark, Loconstant, Quaid, Momo92i, Worm...), but since 2013, System (Kova.) stayed in charge of it, and has never stopped it despite the lowering grids.
Basically made for french talking people, it has always allowed strangers of another nations to compete in, without any restrictions.
The concept is to take part to a certain amount of events which is an average of 10 to 12 events per season, among which you have 3 jokers, which mean you can miss or fail 3 events during the whole season, they won't be counted. Each event is made by more or less than 4 weeks of pre-qualifying, in which you compete to set your fastest lap on the designed combo at the server, in order to set your grid position. The pre-qualifying ends the night from Sunday to Monday at midnight, french time. And then the following monday at 9:15 pm french time, takes place the race for about 30 mins.

Latest News Update

, by Kova.

It's already the summer break, and we've already spent 6 rounds for this season 2024 at the French League, which is indeed the half of this season.

GUM's KingOfIce is leading the championship with a good pillow of points in front of the second, which is Antiaris' DLV (THEFRENCHDESTOYER). They are followed in 3rd by FSR's boss, System (Kova.)

Even if KingOfIce remain very fast, these 3 have clocked a impressive consistency this season, to build a good gap in front of the rest of the field in the general ranking. Because indeed, KingOfIce only scored 3 wins for now (RD1, RD4 and RD5), which still mean he won half of the races, but he's currently facing a good concurrency with his own team mate, the aussie WrappedPigeon, or the swedish driver L.Rydh for team Winners, or also R4R's driver Aerox who made a surprise come back concluded by a win at last round at South City on the wheel of the XM-5 Cup.

With 6 rounds remaining, and also a ovale finale at Kyoto, everything remain possible. But also, out of the 3 jokers available this season, only 1 have actually been enabled. Which mean with 2 jokers to comes out later this season, it might give a opportunity to L.Rydh or WrappedPigeon to "cure" at their actual bad score in the general ranking, which kicked them out of the top 10.

In the team's championship, Tomfuel's GUM Garage is in a strong leadership, in front of French Street Racers Team. After a bad start, System's team made a good recovery to the second place, passing the Norme Française Racing that saddly saw his activity dropping a lot, where only their boss, Nanex, scored points for them last round.
Will that allow Papator's Texas Driver to melt the gap and snap the P3 out of NFR's hand? Answers in December!

For now, the french community drivers are taking a well deserved "rest", sanding the tracks with the famous seigneury, aka Lemon Culte mod by Flame CZE, until the League returns in end of August.

Past, Present and Upcoming Seasons

Season Scheduled Rounds Remaining Rounds First Round Next Round Active
Ligue FR 2016 9 0 N/A No
Ligue FR 2017 1 0 N/A No
Ligue FR 2020 1 0 N/A No
Ligue FR 2022 4 0 N/A No
Ligue FR 2023 12 0 N/A No
Summer Tour 2023 2 0 N/A No
Xmas Open 2023 3 0 N/A No
Ligue FR 2024 9 3 Yes
Summer Tour 2024 3 1 Yes