The online racing simulator

Season Details of : ABC-Cup (XFG in different specs)

Absolute-Beginners racing league
The ABC-Cup will be driven with the XFG. The season will consist of 6 rounds where every round has a 20 minutes sprint race and a 40 minutes main race. Qualification will be according to the single lap format (outlap -> hotlap -> spectate). The starting order of the main race will be the finishing order of race 1. Points for both races according to S2L points.

The most important feature of this series is that everyone will have 3 car specifications to choose from:

Spec A: 190 kg ballast
Spec B: 95 kg ballast + 6% air intake restriction
Spec C: 12% air intake restriction


Round 5

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Qualify 1 minute Westhill National XFG 40
2 Race 9 laps Westhill National XFG 40
3 Race 18 laps Westhill National XFG 40

Round 6

Nr. Type Duration Track Cars Seats Start Time
1 Qualify 1 minute Aston North XFG 40
2 Race 8 laps Aston North XFG 40
3 Race 15 laps Aston North XFG 40