LFSCART Light Series 2021 - Signups
To enter the LFSCART Light Series 2021, make a post here with your team info, car entries, and driver rosters, as follows:
teamManager: {username: lfsid, name: ForeName Surname, nat: nationality, id: discord ID}
teamViceManagers: (maximum 2 - manager and vice manager do not need to be drivers, but can be)
- {username, Forename Surname, nationality, discord ID}
cars entering: a number, 1-3 inclusive
drivers: {one per line, maximum of 5 names}
- {username, Forename Surname, nationality, discord ID}
Example Entry:
teamName: l'equipe sauciesse de foie
teamManager: {username: hyntty, name: Timo Hynninen, nat: Finland, id: 0340}
- (username: TFalke55, name: Thilo Falkenberg, nat: Germany, id: 2497}
cars entering: 2
- {username: dekojester, name: Jonathan Palmer, nat: USA, id: 1066}
- {username: Raven88, name: Dan Sanger, nat: United States, id: 0000}
- {username: k_badam, name: Adam Brown, nat: Scotland, id: 0690}
NOTE: Discord ID refers to the four digits found after the # symbol in your username.
Numbers will be assigned to you by the administration. Number 1 is reserved for last season's champion, James Peace (vipex123). The defending Teams Champion is Team Vires.
Signups are open NOW, and will close at 16:30 UTC on the Saturday prior to each round, and not open again until two hours after event conclusion.
Entry Editing
If you need to change your entry, please change your original post, then quote the post and tell us what you changed.
Licence Requirements for Drivers
No NDR Licence Grade limitation.
You will need an S2 LFS License to participate in all rounds except Round 3, which requires S3.
Team Specifics
1) All drivers can only be on one team roster at a time (additonal teams count as separate teams).
2) A driver may be moved freely between additional teams of the same main team, this election though must be made before 20:00 UTC Saturday
3) Driver's points only follow the driver, not any team.
4) The team points are earned based on car, driver in said car notwithstanding
Entries are tracked in the attached PDF. This PDF is updated at least once daily, when possible.