The online racing simulator
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.8.0
Hello LFSLapper users,

After a long time not being motivated to work on LFSLapper or playing LFS. I thought it was time to make a official version, since LFSLapper was in Beta for quite some time.
All the changes in this version includes everything from Beta #11 and the fix for the high CPU usage problem.

Whould like to see what kind of projects are made with LFSLapper.
Have fun and see you somewhere in LFS.

Summary of changes below.

|Changes from to

1: New PlayerVar: "CarConfig"
// Configuration (Config byte)
// UF1 / LX4 / LX6 : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = OPEN ROOF
// XRR / FZR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = DRIFT / RX
// FXR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = RX

2: New PlayerVar: "FrontWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (front)

3: New PlayerVar: "RearWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (rear)

4: New event: OnBlueFlag();
$userName = Player were the blueflag is ment for
$userNameBehind = faster Player behind $userName
$Time = Time of flag

5: New event: OnYellowFlag();
$userName = Player that is causing the yellowflag
$State = Yellowflag 1 or 0 (on/off)
$Time = Time of flag

6: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
7: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1

1: Maxlaptime that will be stored to the database have been increased from 30 to 90 minutes, for really long layouts.

2: [TEST] Record ID of Grip/Drift Database will now be shown in DumpVar(); for certain Car/track requests.
$list = GetListTop( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ), 0, 0 );
IF ( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ) == "XFG" )
dumpVar ( $list );

3: PlayerVar: "Fuel" : remaining fuel percent "%", will set when acrossing a split or completing a lap.

4: [Discord] Set multiple channels for sending texts to LFSLapper:
-open MyInc.LPR

You are allowed to set 5 channels, seperate them with a comma ",". see example below.
-$DiscordChannelReceive = "0000000000,0000000000,0000000000";

5: [Discord] Changed $DiscordUName to $UName.

6: [Discord] Added $UNameID into OnReceiveDiscordMessage():

7: [Discord] Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage()
-Number of arguments has been changed: OnReceiveDiscordMessage($ChannelID,$ChannelName,$UNameID,$UName,$Text)


1: Wrong amount of arguments send to Event: OnPlayerSelectCar
2: Performance issues due to windows updates.
Removed some functions: Thread.Sleep(); this functions seems to malfunction on some PC's
3: Lappercrash when clicking on one of the layouts in the layoutlist.
4: Layoutlist didnt load the layout files properly into the list.
5: Lappercrash when a player using the JoinRequest function while being retired on the track.

1: Event OnPlayerFlags();

This thread is closed