Live for Speed - Tire/Asphalt Sound & New Filtered View
Please turn up the volume. Smile

Not my best video... any thoughts? Big grin
#2 - lucaf
Its very nice but in my ears the wind combined with that pop music sounds really strange during the race. I rather would like to hear racing sounds + a busy & excited commentator Smile
Hey man.

It was great, good editing. Like lucaf said, a commentator would've been nice. To be honest, the music was way too low for my liking. But great video regardless.
I think the wind noise is a bit excessive in cockpit view, engine should be louder

In TV cam view wind noise should be non existent as there is no changing variable (moving camera), its static

For the rear wing cam the sound is just fine, almost feels and sounds like a low budget GoPro on a F3 car you see.

Imo wind noise indicates a low budget camera setup, so if that is what a future mod is going after then this is near perfect besides the changes that could be madr in paragraphs 1-2.

If not I think close to perfect audio is the way to go as camera and audio systems these days aren't this muffled or bad with wind.

But good attempt and nice vid Big grin
I left volume as was, as I'm not a fan of music during videos unless it adds atmosphere, as you would get in a movie, to highlight a particular scene.

Also, not sure why you didn't just finish video at about the half way mark once the yellow and black car had finished. Was it to show how the white car looked different to black car in your filtered view? If so, why not have AI race round in different white, black, blue, green, red, yellow, etc, cars to see how each colour shows up?

As far as sounds go, I didn't mind the wind noises (in low volume), and liked the tyre squeal under turn in and braking.