The online racing simulator
#2 - Racon
** Best answer **
If everything at your end is working perfectly, sometimes it can still take a couple of attempts to connect.

Some ISPs, some routers, some wireless things can filter out UDP packets, and if you have port forwarding on your router, that often needs to be explicitly set to UDP and TCP instead of TCP only.

So, if you can *never* connect then we'll need to narrow down where your UDP packets are being blocked/lost.
Quote from Racon :If everything at your end is working perfectly, sometimes it can still take a couple of attempts to connect.

Some ISPs, some routers, some wireless things can filter out UDP packets, and if you have port forwarding on your router, that often needs to be explicitly set to UDP and TCP instead of TCP only.

So, if you can *never* connect then we'll need to narrow down where your UDP packets are being blocked/lost.

okay, so i need to set it to UDP instead of TCP ?, i have been tinkering around with this forever man.

i have no idea about TCPs and UDPs man, any clear suggestion ?

but my laptop connects to the server just fine with the same wifi.

problem solved.

here what i have done,

Step 1
: Go to control panel and click (system & security > Windows firewall > advanced settings)

Step 2 : in the inbound/outbound sections you insert a new rule (top right corner)

Step 3 : click PORT hit next change to UDP > type 35 in Specific remote ports hit next

Step 4 : click allow the connection hit next

Step 5 : check all the boxes (domain, private, public) hit next

Step 6 : name your rule i.e Outbound UDP

you've made new rules and its still did not receive UDP package?
then follow this option

Step 1 : right click your new rule > go to properties

Step 2 : click programs and services > click to a specific program (hit browse) and insert your LFS.exe

do this for both Inbound and Outbound rules.

hope this helps !.
#5 - Racon
You need both, not just UDP.

Long story short: TCP and UDP are different ways to send packets between computers. With TCP, the two computers talk to each other and confirm that all the packets have been received intact. With UDP, the packets are just sent and forgotten which is less reliable, but faster. UDP are sometimes just discarded by software that assumes all UDP traffic is malware Ya right

If your laptop connects with the same wifi, then you've narrowed the problem down to the computer. I'd guess firewall or antivirus. You should be able to find a way to add an exception for LFS, or for the ports you're using. Try the firewall first, just google something along the lines of "<brand> open UDP ports", where <brand> is the name of your firewall.

edit: Just saw your reply, glad you got it sorted - see you on track Thumbs up
The game reports an error: HOST DID NOT RECEIVE UDP PACKAGE
Problems and problems around connecting to online racing. It does not want to join any servers. All of the above about UDP ports I did, re-downloaded version 0.7B and nothing works. Is there a solution to my problem? It can also be sent to [email protected] if you have any other solutions..
Hey! I'm having the same issue, I've tried what you said should fix it but it hasn't. Does anyone have any help they can provide further? Im not very good with networking I understand the difference between UDP and TCP but that's about it.

This issue just randomly popped up I tried to connect also on a hotspot from my phone and it's the same issue so I have at least narrowed it down to it being an issue to my desktop but further than that I'm not sure what else to do.
I had this problem and I solved it by calling the server where I have internet to open an IP address for me so that it is public and static so that it does not change.
As they changed it for me, everything works as it should.