Arduino OutSim
(2 posts, started )
Arduino OutSim

i use Arduino, a board that receive UDP packets from LFS
and i print the values of OutSim

But i have many question abou packet OutSim below,

int time, ----- is ok to me
Angular Velocity : 3 floats, ----- Where i use it ??
Orientation :3 floats Heading, Pitch, Roll, ----- is ok to me
Acceleration :3 floats X, Y, Z ----- same that accelerometer
Velocity :3 floats X, Y, Z ----- velocity in axes ??
Position :3 ints X, Y, Z (metres x 65536) ----- position of what ?
what the reference ?

Game ID :1 int, ----- is ok to me

Can anyone help me ??, or have a document do read about it ??

Angular velocity is the rate of changing for each axis.

Position is the car positioning on the track. It's most used on InSim applications, where you need to get the player's position to do something.

Unfortunately, there are few docs about OutSim/OutGauge actually. Maybe developers will include a specific txt for Outsim/OutGauge on Docs folder.

Arduino OutSim
(2 posts, started )