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USB over IP
(1 post, started )
USB over IP
Hi guys,

I have to run a certain USB device on a Linux machine because the drivers don't work for Windows 8.1. I've got a Raspberry Pi laying around that I could use, but the Raspberry is a little to slow for the software that I need.

So I was planning to use my i5 HTPC and create a VM in Hyper-v to run Linux on it. Only problem is that Hyper-v isn't able to pass-through an USB device?

I've looked around for some USB over IP programs, but most of them cost a shitload of money, or don't work in the direction I want it to. I need a Windows host, and a client that can be installed on Linux. This program for instance only has a Linux host.

Anyone an idea of software, or maybe an other solution?

Oh, and it's not possible to run Virtualbox or Vmware, because it's not compatible with Hyper-V.

USB over IP
(1 post, started )