The online racing simulator
LFS Hosting Problem? Read here the information! W8
Hello everyone, if you have sometrouble with hosting you're lfs server? Follow this steps!

(This is for Windows 7 and Windows 8 ONLY!)

1.) Shutdown all firewalls go to here:
Configuration\System and securty\Windows Firewall\Settings.
Attached images
Firewall shutdown for game servers..png
I don't think that's a good idea or the solution for the "hosting problem".

Its just to let people know if they do port forwarding!
I'm sorry joordy, but you seem rather confused. Port forwarding has nothing to do with server's firewall settings. To set things straight:

1) Do not disable Windows firewall unless you know what and why you're doing it.
Windows firewall is a rather basic tool but it can do it's job if it's configured properly and... well, enabled. Instead of switching it off completely just make sure you allow LFS through.
2) Port forwarding is done on the gateway (which is usually your router). Incorrectly set up port forwarding cannot be compensated for by messing with your computer's settings.