The online racing simulator
mouse keeps showing?
(14 posts, started )
#1 - CSU1
mouse keeps showing?
Windows 7 x64
Geforce 8800GT
Comodo defense and firewall

Any events by Comodo keep messing with LFS when I'm in full-screen, the mouse is also constantly showing

I can hide mouse, but as soon as it sees a Comodo it pops up on the screen and I can't hide it anymore <-- lol's very annoying & dizzying as I steer with mouse


...and setting Comodo to 'game mode' is no help either...

Close Comodo Defense when you go to play LFS then when u finish open Comodo Defense again.
I have comodo too at high alert level, but never get pop ups unless I want to open an application...
I don't race a mouse tho...

Do you play windowed?

#4 - CSU1
Quote from lolzol :I have comodo too at high alert level, but never get pop ups unless I want to open an application...
I don't race a mouse tho...

Do you play windowed?


no, the mouse disappears when not moving ie. on a straight and reappears as soon as there is movement . . .

closing Comodo Defense isn't an option as it's impossible.
#6 - CSU1
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Shift-z.

I thimks its something to do with Airio because the mouse stays hidden offline with no Airio
Hi again, i have 2 ideas:

- Go to the Task Manager and close Comodo Defense
- Desactivate Comodo Defense

Quote from CSU1 :

I thimks its something to do with Airio because the mouse stays hidden offline with no Airio

If there is any InSim button on screen the mouse will be showed anyway (IIRC)
#9 - CSU1
Quote from Whiskey :If there is any InSim button on screen the mouse will be showed anyway (IIRC)

That's just not good it just me being pedantic, or is it indeed very annoying if you're driving mouse+kb???

Is there a way to surpress or turn off any/all insim on client?
Buy wheel
#11 - CSU1
Quote from :Buy wheel

Is that your final answer?

I have a G25, I drive with mouse


Is there a way to surpress or turn off any/all insim on client?
Shift+I, but Airio overrides that function to show the config panel :grumpy:
If its a problem with Airio servers, press shift+i and make sure that all of the options are gray'd out.

The mouse only shows when a Clickable InSim button is on screen. Most of Airio's onscreen buttons are not clickable and will not cause the mouse to show.

Also ensure that the connection list isn't open (pressing N), if it is shown the mouse cursor will also show!
If non of the posts helped so far, maybe you can just adjust cursor to be transparant? You'll still see the frame, but it might be less annoying. Not much of a fix of course...

mouse keeps showing?
(14 posts, started )