The online racing simulator
Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Rumble Force Potentiometers.
Hello Everyone,
Long ago, I bought a Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Rumble Force, and haven't been using it a lot. But the last time I used it, the throttle pedal was dead, and the steering wheel didn't respond in a precise manner (very little sensitivity to small movements; sometimes false input values..)

I was thinking that, as far as the pedal goes, may be the potentiometer is the culprit, and I want to replace it. The only problem is the pot doesn't mention its specs. I'd be very grateful if anyone knows anything about it.

As to the second problem, I still can't figure out if the component that detects the wheel's movement is a potentiometer or a variable capacity. I would really appreciate it if anyone could shed a light on the matter, and also provide it specs.

Thank you in advance, and have a good night