The online racing simulator
#1 - Zimmi
New virtual mirrors (sidemirrors)
Hi all,

since the last update, which was a great one, there is a big problem with the mirrors when sitting in the breathtaking BF1 !!!

Sitting in normal position by a "Field of view" of 70° there is no way to see the sidemirrors !!! What about extra virtual (!) mirrors like the rearmirror by pressing "SHIFT" + "M" ???

The two windows could be positioned in the bottom corners, but they mustn't overlay the F9-F12 parameters.

Here my suggestion:
Attached images
Yea, I've been wondering about this too for a longer time already. It wouldn't be very realistic, but it's kinda hard to see the mirrors at this moment. I changed my FOV for every car to see my left mirror (lhd), but it's a real pain in the ass to look into the right one. I need to look completely to my right, while I would still look to have some sight in front of me.
#3 - Honey
yeah i was asking it from several months as many other people (there are some threads already int the forum)

for other cars the problem is even worse so to virtual side mirrors
Side mirrors have been discussed before. There isn't any differenct between the side mirrors and the center mirror on the tin top cars. They render the same thing. So, if you want virtual mirrors on the open wheelers, then turn virtual mirrors on. It will be at the top center of the screen displaying the exact same thing the side mirrors would.
How the hell do u get 76 fps? I get 30 at the most.
what i would like is to be able to turn off real mirrors, and just use the virtual as i find in cockpit view can even cut off your rear-view mirror.

atm there is only no mirrors, real mirrors, real + virtual mirrors. i would like no real mirrors and only the virtual.
well i use the virtual mirror (default in the top middle of the car) and i dont see a point to add some more...
yes the real mirrors arent that good, that why i never used them and instead activated the virtual 1.
I was annoyed by the BF1 mirrors being so far apart too (As they're fine in the other single seaters), so I modified the model a bit to get them closer... I guess the devs dont like modified car models though so I cant release it, but maybe it could be changed in the next patch. One option would maybe be to make the rear view mirror position setting move the side mirrors in the bf1 closer/farther away.
Quote from Rappa Z :How the hell do u get 76 fps? I get 30 at the most.

Might have something to do with the bits inside that nearby box which go whirr and hum.
My box doesn't do whirr and whum *starts shaking that damn orange juice box, what the hell is wrong with you??!!*
@ mrodgers: It is very unusual to look upwards to see what is going on behind you while sitting in a F1-car, isn't it ?
That's the point I don't want to turn on the virtual rearmirror. The virtual side-mirrors would be great.
I guess it's no big problem to build in such a view-add-on, and it would help a lot off people...

@ Rappa Z: 76Frames, I'm standing on the grid with no movement and there are no cars on track. Further more there are 3,2 GHz behind me... :-)
I dont like virtual mirrors and other huds, but what about many times suggested ability to set left & right view angle? Today, 90deg is totally useless for me, i cant see mirrors and situation before me.
Quote from Pablo.CZ :I dont like virtual mirrors and other huds, but what about many times suggested ability to set left & right view angle? Today, 90deg is totally useless for me, i cant see mirrors and situation before me.

I second that. Left & right view should be fully customizable in degrees of turning head.
#14 - Gunn
Quote from Kegetys : maybe it could be changed in the next patch.

If you change the mirror positions it will no longer be a Sauber BMW F1 car. So why would this ever be changed? All we need is a 45 degree head turn option and reality is maintained.
I'm far too stoned ATM to make any real suggestions, but i agree!

you could just have fully adjustable/customisable mirrors x 3 in all views

It'd be safer
Have you seen how the mirrors act in real life when the F1 cars are on the track? The mirros bend and shake so much that it is a little mystery that do the drivers even see anything from them.

Though it has a point that the mirrors in BF1 are quite apart from each others. In real life they would be in your sight but in LFS they aren't. But moving them wouldn't be BMW-sauber anymore, like gunn said.
Quote from Rappa Z :How the hell do u get 76 fps? I get 30 at the most.

i get 100 fps average with full settings, yum yum
Quote from Gunn :If you change the mirror positions it will no longer be a Sauber BMW F1 car.

Why wouldn't it be? If such small differences in the model make a difference then it already isn't a Sauber BMW F1 car since the black bar thing from the nose for example is missing as are some parts from the front wing (Though that could be just a different aerodynamics package for a different track). You can move the rear view mirror in the Raceabout too and I dont think that makes it any less Raceabout either.