The online racing simulator
Help entry for multi-monitor setup?
(4 posts, started )
Help entry for multi-monitor setup?
I think it will make sense to add a help entry for all those settings. For example, a "bezel compensation" parameter is not self-explanatory. Some other parameters and strings as well.

It would be useful to explain what to expect and what not to expect from these settings. I wish I could sketch a text, but I have a vague idea of the multi-monitor setup possibilities in LFS. For example, I expected that it were possible to add a small monitor and set it up in backwards view, to work like a mirror. Only reading carefully the forum revealed that it's impossible.
My plan at the moment is to add a small auto generated diagram to the views setup page. It would be a top down view, showing the view point and the separate monitors. Even more important with the new updates I have done.

I would hope that would explain what is going on in the best way possible. One thing I've noticed in the past is that to some people, a button with a question mark on it is invisible. We have got several questions when a user could not figure something out and had to ask on the forum, simply because he did not think of clicking the help button.
An auto-generated top-down layout view of how the monitors are supposed to be set up according to the current view settings sounds like a great idea! This would very intuitively explain what the setting does, especially if it changes in real-time as you change the settings.

I wouldn't worry too much about help buttons not being 100% effective - no matter how many instructions you write or how big, red and bold you make warning texts, there will always be people who ignore it.

The only way I can think of to further minimize questions is an automatic tooltip-like popup (not necessarily positioned at the mouse cursor). If the very act of trying to change an option by moving the mouse cursor over it already results in a big visual change on the screen grabbing the user's attention (the text popping up somewhere), then you might have a chance of the user reading it.
Good idea. A picture is worth a 1000 words

Help entry for multi-monitor setup?
(4 posts, started )