The online racing simulator
Adobe Premiere Elements + FXHome EffectsLab Pro
1) Does anyone know why I can't change the settings shown in the attached screenshots, when I make a new Project Preset based on

"Adobe HDV
HDV 1080i 25 (Sony 50i)"

because I want 1920x1080 HD, not dodgy 1440x1080 HD

  • Does anybody have experience with FXHome EffectsLab Pro
  • Is it good value at £84? (I assume it is, based on the Adobe SuperRipOff prices)
  • Does anyone know of the limitations of the trial, because I can't find them anywhere
  • I'm probably not supposed to ask about such things here, but... a mikey mouse copy? (hint hint :P)
Attached images
Quote from JO53PHS :1) Does anyone know why I can't change the settings shown in the attached screenshots, when I make a new Project Preset based on

"Adobe HDV
HDV 1080i 25 (Sony 50i)"

because I want 1920x1080 HD, not dodgy 1440x1080 HD


[*]Does anybody have experience with FXHome EffectsLab Pro
[*] Is it good value at £84? (I assume it is, based on the Adobe SuperRipOff prices)
[*]Does anyone know of the limitations of the trial, because I can't find them anywhere

1. because that preset is "hardwired" to those settings?
2. Not with EffectsLab Pro, but with VisionLab Pro. But seeing that effectively VisionLab is Effects lab with extras, I can say it's pretty good.
3. No. I never used the trial, I tried VisionLab at my friends. I assume it's regular 30 days thing.