The online racing simulator
#1 - Herbz
In need of tips for getting a good start with the FZR.
Hi all,

just finished a GTR series, I was racing the FZR, most of the other competitors were racing the FXR. The FXRs would almost always beat me off the line due to the drivers spooling up the turbo (by flooring it) and launching well on the green light.

Any general tips for getting a good take off in the FZR? Is it possible to beat the FXRs off the line?

With a right setup and a little bit practise, you could do pretty much the same start with FXR. So your not gonna lose positions, been there, seen that Even with xrr, its possible to start almost fast as this two other GTR cars. But normally xrr start the worstest, speacially for me
#3 - senn
FZR? tramp it, clutch in, select first, release clutch when light goes green. That usually beats the FXR's off the line most of the time. IIRC, in drag trim it can beat an FXR off the line 99% of the time, spooled or not...
Also before releasing clutch rev it to max torque (don't remember what was it on FZR). That helps
Remember the FXR is 4WD so it may have a little bit more traction off the line.
don't stamp on the throttle, i've fud about 70/80% reduces tyre spin and you get a nice 'fluid' start.
However I would check with more expeienced players or try and get hold of some Reputable Racing series replays to see how they do it. You will be suprised just quite how fast some poeple can go with the right set!