The online racing simulator
Server making help
(2 posts, started )
Server making help
I want to start a server for people, but I don't know what to do. I got LFS Dedi Host for my LFS, and LFS Lapper. How do I get people to connect my host, and how do I make LFS Lapper work properly? I have LFS Lapper version 5.14.
Quote from SilverArrows77 :For getting a server configured and running, have a look here - id concentrate on that first, then when have it under control look at how to do lapper. - is there any reason you want lapper specifically? as there is easier ones to set up and configure depending on what you want to do.

ok. thanks. I will then find a guide to get lapper running after I read this.

Server making help
(2 posts, started )