iTCC - Round 3 Penalties - Penalties in Red - (PLEASE READ!!!)
Hi racers,

Thankyou once again for your support and for the fantastic driving we've seen so far in this series. The races, in the most part, have been outstanding to watch and this is down to the skill you show in your driving.

However - in the last couple of races, a certain minority of drivers are starting to chat mid-race. This has two effects:

1) It's off-putting to other drivers.

2) It's more difficult for admins to distinguish between spam and legitimate driver/admin communication.

It's also against the iTCC rules.

Until now, we have tried to be relaxed about chatting, we know people get excited about their raceing and have allowed for a certain amount of chat. However, with hindsight this has been the wrong approach as this minority of drivers are choosing to ignore admin requests to refrain from chatting..

So, with immediate effect we are penalising chat in accordance with the iTCC Rules. I'm sorry we did not do this sooner, as there would be then more consistency in the application of the rules.

To those who have the self-control to follow the rules and not chat, well done!

The only chat that should be in the chatbox is

1) Requests to spectate from drivers who are unable to continue (overturned, or in pits)

2) Messages from Race Control

I hope that this post has made it absolutely clear as to the admin's position on chatting during iTCC races.

The following drivers are penalised for chatting during iTCC Round 3.

Pickard - 9 points

Bitan - 4 points

Kursk - 2 points

Faurie - 1 point

Dolezal - 1 point
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